Special issue: Exploring the Intersections of Fashion, Film, and Media

deadline for submissions: 
March 10, 2018
full name / name of organization: 
Stockholm University


Special issue: Exploring the Intersections of Fashion, Film, and Media


Journal: Networking Knowledge, Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate network


Guest Editor:

Elizabeth Castaldo Lundén, Stockholm University. elizabeth.lunden@ims.su.se


Since the turn of the 20th century, the film industry has played a key role in the promotion and representation of fashion. Likewise, fashion's mediated character through newsreels, television, newspapers, magazines, photography, and even paintings has facilitated the study of costume and dress history. Film scholars have dedicated efforts to the study of fashion and film, focusing mostly—but not exclusively—on matters of representation through costume design. Significant contributions from scholars like Jane Gaines (1990), Stella Bruzzi (2012), and Adrienne Munich (2003)—among others—have paved the way for an interdisciplinary approach to study fashion from a film and media perspective, and shaped a multitude of intercultural links between cinema and other media practices. Far from being an exhausted topic, however, the intersections between the fashion and film industries offer a vast potential for historical research that is increasingly becoming of interest to scholars around the globe.


This call for papers seeks to widen the existing research network, gathering articles from postgraduate students and early career researchers from different backgrounds with a dedicated interest in researching the intersections between fashion, film and media, inviting them to present historical case studies that provide an overview of the ways in which these areas of study overlap and intertwine. We will prioritize historical studies based on archival research as a principal methodology. Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:


  • Product placement of fashion products in films.
  • Representation of fashion in film.
  • Fashion and media practices.
  • Fashion magazines
  • Fashion photography/photographers
  • Fashion in film fan magazines
  • Televised coverage of fashion shows
  • Fashion advertising
  • Histories of leaders and unsung heroes working in the fashion and film industries.
  • Costume designers working off-screen in the creation of fashion.
  • Book reviews addressing fashion and film, fashion and media, or fashion journalism.


Full papers should be submitted to the guest editor at elizabeth.lunden@ims.su.se by March 10th, 2018.



Paper Guidelines


  • Be no more than 6000 words long (including abstract, keywords, references, footnotes).
  • The abstract should be of a maximum of 150 words and 5 keywords.
  • Include a short bibliographical note.
  • Be original and must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.
  • Include all images at the end of the text.


The paper will undergo double blind peer review.


Authors are required to provide proof of permission for use of images etc.


Style Guidelines

Please also submit your article in the journal’s house style, according to the format below:

The title of the paper[Ariel title case 20pt bold]

NAME OF AUTHOR, [Ariel12pt upper case] University[Ariel 12pt title case italic]

ABSTRACT[Ariel 12pt upper case bold]

Abstract body text [Times New Roman 12pt - No Indents, except for quotes – Single Spacing]

KEYWORDS[Ariel 12pt upper case bold]

Keywords body text [Times New Roman 12pt – Single Spacing]

Article body text [Times New Roman 12pt - No Indents, except for quotes – Single Spacing]

Subheadings[Ariel 12pt bold]

References[Ariel 12pt bold]:

Clover, C. J. (1992) Men, Women and Chainsaws: Gender in the Modern Horror Film, New Jersey: Princeton University Press

Public Relations Institute of Australia (2008) ‘About us', [online], 30 May. Available at http://www.pria.com.au/aboutus/cid/106/parent/1/t/aboutus/. Accessed 17 June 2008.

Hunt, P. (1999) ‘Hail the Conquering Hero: Celebrating the Genius of Writer-Director Preston Sturges’, MovieMaker, 33, April-May, 40-42

Lehman, P. (1993) ‘Don’t blame this on a Girl’, inS. Cohan and I. R. Hark (eds), Screening the Male: Exploring Masculinities in Hollywood Cinema, London: Routledge, pp. 103-117


Footnotes [Times New Roman 10 pt]


Embedded quotations should in single quote marks. (Quote marks within a quotation should be double quote marks.) Ellipses added by article author to a quotation should be in square brackets: […]


In-text citations: "([Author(s) surname(s)] [Year], [page number])" - e.g.: (Clover 1992, 53). Note: do not include 'p. ' or 'pp.'; and do not place a comma between author surname and year; do not place a colon anywhere in an in-text citation.


If author is mentioned outside of brackets, use full name on first mention and surname only thereafter. If cited in brackets, surname only.


If author has been mentioned in the same sentence, citation should not include author's surname - e.g.: Carol Clover asks whether males can identify with 'screen females in fear and pain' (1992, 5).


If source is by more than three authors, in-text citations (whether in brackets or not) should refer to "[first author] et al."


Links to access references online should have URLs ready to click (e.g., http://pkp.sfu.ca)


In References list names before year should be formatted '[surname], [initial].'. Names after date should be '[initial]. [surname]'


In References list include 'p.' or 'pp.' only for book chapters (see Lehman 1993 above). No 'p.' or 'pp.' for any other type of item



If images are to be included, please ensure:

         1. Make sure there are no copyright issues that are not covered by 'fair use'; cf                http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/?p=2127

         2. Supply copyright owner's name and a brief caption

         3. Image resolution should be 300dpi


Networking Knowledge is an e-journal published by the MeCCSA-Postgraduate Network. The Network brings together around 400 postgraduate and early-career researchers in the fields of media, communications, and cultural studies. The aim of Networking Knowledge is to provide a space where the best work of this thriving postgraduate community can be showcased. All articles undergo double-blind peer review process. If one recommends acceptance and the other rejection, a tie-breaking third reviewer (from the journal's Advisory Board) will be consulted.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.