
displaying 61 - 75 of 269

CfP: Gender in Early Twenty-First Century Television (Edited Collection)

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 4:05pm
Edited Collection
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 15, 2018

The “quality” and “post-quality” television moments of the early twenty-first century have resulted in a number of television shows that engage with gender in interesting ways, some advancing critiques of feminism or post-feminism (UnReal, The Handmaid’s Tale), others offering new ways of thinking about genderqueer and transitioning individuals (Transparent, RuPaul’s Drag Race), and still others thinking about gender at the intersections of race, education, and socioeconomic status (Insecure, Atlanta).

Subversive Intimacies, Unsettling Encounters

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 4:15pm
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English (ACCUTE)
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 15, 2018

ACCUTE Member-Organized Panel: "Subversive Intimacies, Unsettling Encounters"

Organizer: Sarah Kent, Queen's University

June 1-4, 2019: Congress at the University of British Columbia. 


Teaching Christian Drama to Biblically Illiterate (and Semi-Literate) Audiences

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 4:05pm
Comparative Drama Conference-Orlando, Florida
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, October 15, 2018

Western civilization is deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian tradition and ideology, which goes a long way in explaining why the Bible is a shadow text on nearly every college literature syllabus. The heritage of the so-called “the book of books” spans the full historical spectrum of English writing, from its earliest specimens up to its most recent. For centuries, the bible offered up a common vocabulary and shared lens through which American college professors and their students could think and talk about literary history and culture.


Session on Medieval and Early Modern Drama

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 4:04pm
43rd Comparative Literature Conference-Orlando, FL
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, October 15, 2018

This session of the Comparative Drama Conference explores the ways in which this year’s conference locale—Orlando, Florida—crosses paths with the culture of medieval and early modern drama. Included among Central Florida’s most notable and popular theatrical productions are theme park stage adaptations of animated films and cinematic blockbusters (think Finding Nemo-The Musical etc.). How do medieval and early modern dramatic works similarly appropriate, convert and dramatize other types of scripted or choreographed performances (oral legends; religious rituals and practices; courtroom dramas; political spectacles etc.) —and to what practical and ideological ends?


Call for Papers: Eighteenth-Century Visual Culture at CEA 2019

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 4:02pm
Corey E. Andrews, College English Association
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Call for Papers, Eighteenth-Century Visual Culture at CEA 2019

March 28-30, 2019 | New Orleans, Louisiana

Astor Crowne Plaza

739 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 | Phone: (504) 962-0500

The College English Association, a gathering of scholar-teachers in English studies, welcomes proposals for presentations on Scottish Literature and World Literature for our 50th annual conference. Submit your proposal at www.cea-web.org

#Resist: Protest and Resistance Media in Brexit Britain and Trump-era USA (edited volume, Rowman and Littlefield)

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:59pm
Dr Giuliana Monteverde and Dr Victoria McCollum
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, October 19, 2018

We invite abstracts for chapters that explore protest and resistance in relation to Brexit Britain and the Trump-era United States. We are interested in media created in response to these seismic periods of political change, media created in the period leading up to them, and media that more broadly deals with themes related to populism, politics, and power. As well as discussing media that can be seen as protest or resistance, this collection will consider media forms that fail to resist, or those that merely hint at protest. In doing this we can also consider the responsibility of media creators to engage in and respond to political shifts and crises.

10th Annual Small Cinemas Conference Small Cinemas, Small Spaces; Lisbon, 25-27 September 2019

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:57pm
Lenuta Giukin
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, March 1, 2019

The 10th Annual Small Cinemas Conference will take place at ICS-ULisboa in Lisbon, Portugal, between 25 and 27 September 2019. On the topic of ‘Small Cinemas, Small Spaces’, the conference will be centered on issues of scale and spatiality in film, with the aim to explore the geographies of small cinemas. The call for papers is open for individual presentations of maximum 20 minutes, as well as for pre-constituted panels with a maximum of three presentations each. Proposals should be submitted via email to smallcinemas@ics.ulisboa.pt by Friday 1 March 2019, and include a title, an abstract of maximum 250 words, and a short bio note. The conference’s languages will be English and Portuguese.


LGBTQ Comics Reader: Critical Challenges, Future Directions

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:57pm
CFP: LGBTQ Comics Studies Reader (University of Mississippi Press)
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 1, 2018

LGBTQ Comics Reader: Critical Challenges, Future Directions

CFP: LGBTQ Comics Studies Reader (University of Mississippi Press)

Poetry & Poetics (Critical) Panels for SWPACA

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:56pm
Southwest Popular/American Culture Conference
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 1, 2018

Call for Papers

Poetry & Poetics (Critical)

Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)

40th Annual Conference, February 20-23, 2019

Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center

Albuquerque, New Mexico


Proposal submission deadline: November 1, 2018

Narrative & Nostalgia: The Crusades & American Civil War

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:55pm
Virginia Tech
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Michel-Rolph Trouillot closed his 1995 Silencing the Past by reminding us that “History doesn’t belong only to its narrators, professional or amateur. While some of us debate what history is or was, others take it in their own hands.” This is nowhere more true than in two historical periods seldom in conversation - the 11th-century phenomenon called the Crusades, and the 19th-century American Civil War. Scholars across disciplines seek to clarify these periods among themselves, while popular audiences voraciously consume these and other retellings of the past, and others “take it in their own hands” by toppling monuments or explicitly evoking these periods as direct predecessors of their own.

Romantic Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:50pm
marilyn gaull The Wordsworth Circle
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, March 1, 2019

We look forward to announcing a series of special issues commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of The Wordsworth Circle and its transfer to the University of Chicago Press. For now, a call for papers  for the spring issue, Vol.50, number 2, 2019. The topic:  Romantic Elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Essays of 6 to 8,000 words will be considered up to March 1, 2019. Please address requests guidelines or submissions to mgaull@bu.edu

Marilyn Gaull, Editor

Researching Metaphor – Cognitive and Other

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:55pm
University of Genoa
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, January 31, 2019




GENOA 13th – 15th MAY 2019


“Perspectives on Eighteenth-Century Theater and Performance" (SCSECS 2019)

Wednesday, October 3, 2018 - 12:10pm
Ashley Bender / South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 30, 2018

This panel seeks proposals on theater and performance of the long eighteenth-century, especially those that address the theme of perspective. Essays might consider the way that perspective functioned thematically in plays and other public performances, such as opera, dance, and music, and the ways that perspective (e.g., perspective scenery) affected the material conditions of performance. What perspectives did eighteenth-century audiences have on theater and performance? How did these perspectives in the public discourse shape the drama and performances of the period, and how was eighteenth-century society shaped by these cultural institutions? Submit abstracts of 250-500 words to Ashley Bender at abender@twu.edu.

“The Magical Mammal in Marie De France”

Monday, September 24, 2018 - 3:50pm
International Marie De France SPpnsored Session for 2019 MAP/ACMRS Conference
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Call For Papers for Sponsored Session

2019 MAP/ACMRS Conference;Magic, Religion, and Science in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance 


“The Magical Mammal in Marie De France”
