Call for Book Reviews

deadline for submissions: 
January 15, 2019
full name / name of organization: 
South Texas College Interstice

Perseverance builds character.

How does perseverance come about? By rising through a struggle, whether it is a provoked or unprovoked event that questions one’s ability to endure and survive a hardship. It is through one’s suffering and survival of such hardships in life -whether physical or mental - that one is able to build upon their character, thus leading to hope.

We are able to see these modes of struggle and perseverance in various facets from ethnicity, gender, and politics, to name a few, and we would like to hear, learn, and share them in our publication.

South Texas College’s publication Interstice is looking for book reviews that center on the theme of struggle, survival, and perseverance to incorporate in our upcoming 15th volume.

Submissions are accepted by January 15, 2019.

The book review must adhere to the following criteria.

  • •      The book reviewed must explore or have some relation to the theme of struggle, survival, and perseverance. This may be found through:
    • o    Fiction, autobiographical, young adult, children, graphic/illustrative novels, and poetry/story anthologies.
  • •      The book must be a recent publication (published in the year of 2018)
  • •      Book reviews should be between 500 - 1,500 words
  • Book reviews should include an accurate and complete description of the subject(s) of the book and what the author has to say about the subject or subjects.
  • Please submit your review electronically as an MS Word document.
  • Please include full publication information of the book in the current 8th edition of MLA Format. MLA citation standards may be found in this reference link:
  • Please include a brief biographical statement of no more than 75 words (please use third person).

We look forward to hearing from you.

Book reviews may be submitted through the Interstice website

 If you have any questions, feel free to contact

Silvia Herrera at