Civil War and Reconstruction at the PCA-ACA 2019 Wash DC

deadline for submissions: 
November 1, 2018
full name / name of organization: 
Prof. Randal Allred, Popular Culture Association
contact email: 

The American Civil War and Reconstruction


Popular Culture Association

National Conference 2019

Washington, DC


April 17-20, 2019

Washington Marriott Wardman Park

The Civil War and Reconstruction Area of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association is calling for papers on the American Civil War and Reconstruction for its national meeting, April 17-20, 2019 (Wednesday through Saturday), 2019 in Washington, DC.  Papers are welcome from a range of disciplines, and may explore any topic or "reading" of the War.  Past presentations have included such diverse subject areas as literature, photography, art, newspapers and journalistic history, counterfactual history, battle reenactments, music, politics, battle narratives, guerilla warfare, film, historiographical issues, women's narratives, war games, secession politics, African-Americans at war, modern pop culture, battlefield preservation, and material culture.  Suggested special topics for this year could include the Confederate Battle Flag controversies, monuments and memory, and the popular cultural legacy of the War.

Acceptance of your paper obligates you to appear and make an oral presentation.  Sessions run for ninety minutes, and each presenter receives fifteen minutes to present, depending on the number of papers in each panel.  Please plan to stay within this time limit.  Graduate students are especially welcome to submit proposals.  Whole panel proposals are also welcome.

Please send an abstract of 100-250 words to:

Dr. Randal Allred,

Department of English,

Brigham Young University Hawaii  

55-220 Kulanui St.

Laie, HI 96762 ,

phone (808) 675-3633, and fax (808) 675-3662.


Deadline:  NOVEMBER 1, 2018


1)      Please include in your proposal (by e-mail to me) your mailing address, school affiliation, e-mail, and telephone number. 

2)      Also, please submit your proposal online at