Illinois Medieval Association 2019 - Outliers and Outsiders
Illinois Medieval Association
36th Annual Conference
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
23-24 Februrary, 2019
A call for papers: “Outliers and Outsiders”
Medieval stories are replete with in-groups and outsiders: wanderers, monsters, invaders, the unknown and sometimes the unwelcome. Notions of inclusivity have marked public discourse i in recent years, and we welcome an investigation of similar topics and themes in relation to the medieval world. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome and encouraged. We need not think of the topic of outliers and outsiders within medieval art, literature and history alone, but also to outlying approaches to texts and the medieval world.
We welcome proposals for either individual papers or whole sessions. Proposals for individual papers should be limited to 300 words. Session proposals should include abstracts for the three papers as well as the contact information for all presenters.
Abstracts on any aspect of medieval studies are welcome, but we will give preference to submissions related to the conference theme. Submit proposals to no later than December 15, 2018.
Papers presented at “Outliers and Outsiders” are eligible for publication in the journal Essays in Medieval Studies.