UPDATE - Deadline Extended: Call for Publication: Archival Research: Discovery, Truth, and Imagination - Winter 2019 issue

deadline for submissions: 
December 1, 2018
full name / name of organization: 
The Journal of South Texas English Studies

Submission deadline extended to December 1, 2018.

Please note also the requirement of AN ABSTRACT with submissions!

The Journal of South Texas English Studies is now welcoming submissions for its Winter 2019 issue, themed “Archival Research: Discovery, Truth, and Imagination.” Submission deadline extended to December 1, 2018.

Archival research is crucial for scholarship in all disciplines. Within the archive, in whatever form it takes, is the opportunity to overlap chronological moments and movements which may have never met for any other purpose. Through often-forgotten scraps of digital or physical past and present, fresh insights are made and provocative contributions to scholarly conversations are ignited, often providing rich knowledge about marginalized communities. Some scholars describe this work as recovery, as the pursuit may be in rescuing or valuing various bits of information long-neglected (Octalog I, 1988); others approach archival work as an effort to remap the conversations in which we study (Glenn, 1995); and still others may rely on imagination as their guide in piecing together what may be only snippets of a life or story which are available (Royster, 1996). Of course, archival scholars struggle with the fact that those pieces of history which are available, no matter how insignificant they may seem, were still deemed worthy of safeguarding by those in power (such as those in governments, legal institutions, and educational academies), making the archive a vexing conversation about how power and privilege intersect and influence knowledge.

For this upcoming issue, we are seeking scholarly conversations surrounding archival research within English Studies (both undergraduate and graduate).  We encourage submissions from literature (American, British, or other literature written in English), linguistics, rhetoric, composition, literary theory, pedagogy and the English classroom, and academia itself.

Please note: Submission should include an abstract of no more than 250 words to help us target our peer reviewers more effectively. No author identification should be in the abstract or the paper itself.

We welcome papers which address the following broad issues: What are research methods and practices which illustrate how recovery and revisionary research works to redefine traditional literary and rhetorical canons? What is the responsibility of the archival English Studies scholar in addressing powerful, privileged histories/ archives? How are our classrooms, our writings, and our research, intersecting with archival research pursuits? How does technology and digitization further, hinder, or problematize archival research and scholarship in English Studies? Case studies and academically reflexive pieces are encouraged.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):


  • Influence of archival work on privileged Literature
  • Case studies of archival material surrounding authors and literary manuscripts
  • Ethics of editing
  • Influence of archival work on underrepresented and marginalized literature and authors
  • Influence of digital archival work on traditional textual literary works and non-textual literary productions
  • Influence of digital media productions on the Canon of Literature



  • Archives as sites of sociolinguistic data
  • Rediscovering and re-interpreting linguistic field notes
  • Examining the role of the linguistic native speaker consultant in the creation of archival language materials
  • Pedagogical uses of language archives (corpora)to enhance language acquisition with real-life data
  • The use of the world wide web as a real-time language archive


Rhetoric & Composition

  • Rhetorical case studies of particular archival texts
  • Indexing the archive
  • (Dis)allowing/(de)constructing institutional or disciplinary canons (proto-physical canons in virtual spaces)
  • The rhetorical motives behind (de)centralization of archival information
  • Our archival identity: creators vs. users
  • Historicity and power in archival work


Pedagogy in the English Classroom

  • Case studies of archival work in the English classroom
  • Influence of digital archive accessibility on English Studies pedagogy


All submissions, including book reviews, must be original work and not be under consideration elsewhere. 

Please note: all articles must conform to our submission guidelines, which follow current MLA or APA conventions.  If notes are needed, they should follow the paper in endnote form.  Do not use Microsoft's automatic endnote feature – please see submission guidelines.  A Works Cited page should be last. Because the journal employs a blind editorial review process, please include a cover letter with the title of paper and author’s name. Do not put author’s name on the actual paper; rather, include the title of paper in the header or footer in place of author’s last name. Please format paper with 1-inch margins on all sides, double spacing, and 12-point, Times New Roman font.  Please attach submissions as a single Microsoft Word or RTF document (no PDF documents) and e-mail it to southtexasenglishstudies@gmail.com with the subject line "article."

Articles not following our submission guidelines will be returned unread.

Book Notes: Instead of traditional book reviews, we solicit 1,500-2,000-word critical reviews of books that specifically relate to the issue's theme and that can provide some wider critical, bibliographical, pedagogical, or social context to the book being reviewed.  Please attach submissions as a single Microsoft Word or RTF document (no PDF documents) and e-mail it to southtexasenglishstudies@gmail.com with the subject line "book notes."

Please note that JOSTES does not accept creative pieces (short stories, poems, or creative non-fiction).

Deadline for submissions is extended to December 1, 2018.

For additional information, including submission guidelines, please visit the journal’s website:  http://www.southtexasenglish.blogspot.com/