Hawthorne Society MLA 2020: DH for NH

deadline for submissions: 
March 1, 2019
full name / name of organization: 
Nathaniel Hawthorne Society
contact email: 

The Annual Conference of the MLA will meet in Seattle on January 9-12, 2020. The Nathaniel Hawthorne Society invites proposals investigating the topic, “Hawthorne, his Circle, and the Digital Humanities,” or “DH for NH,” for short. We welcome interest in all aspects of the intersection of digital humanities with Hawthorne’s circle, including figures such as Sophia Peabody Hawthorne (whose papers were digitalized alongside those of Hawthorne, Thoreau, Whitman, and 35,000 other items from the NYPL’s Berg Collection in 2012), Melville, Emerson, Fuller, and other local (Salem, Concord, Boston, the Berkshires) contemporaries. Proposals might include (but are not limited to) such topics as:

  • Digital archives, text mining, and editing
  • Teaching Hawthorne with digital resources
  • Digital Humanities and the future of Romanticism studies
  • Proposed digital projects for Hawthorne, or others, and how to get them done. 

Abstracts of 250 words to Nancy Sweet at nsweet@csus.edu by March 1, 2019.