Tidbits: A One-Page Story Anthology is looking for stories on the theme of wishes
Theme: Wishes
We are looking for one-page story submissions to the inaugural edition of Tidbits: A One-Page Story Anthology. For this collection, we would like authors to consider the theme of wishes. This encompasses but is not limited to:
wish-granting entities (genies, fairies, etc)
be careful what you wish for stories
consequences of wishing
wishful thinking
Stories can range from somber to silly; grand societal wishes to personal satisfactions; wishful thinking to wish fulfillment; real life to the fantastical; the ordinary to the extreme; having wishes of your own to fulfilling other people’s wishes; the dangerous to the banal.
Each submission should be about one page (not to exceed 500 words). Accepted submissions will be determined through a double-blind review process by our editorial board. The top three submissions will win monetary prizes ($300 for the 1st place winner, $100 for the 2nd place winner, and $50 for the 3rd place winner). All submissions will be considered for publication; the top fifty submissions will be published in our inaugural anthology. Authors chosen for publication will receive a free copy of the anthology. Copyright permissions remain with the author.
Please send your submissions to tidbitswriting@gmail.com