Update-Reminder: CFP: HyperCultura, Vol 8/2019

deadline for submissions: 
October 1, 2019
full name / name of organization: 
Hyperion University, Bucharest
contact email: 

Dear all,

 To those of you interested in submitting manuscripts to our journal, we would like to remind you that the deadline is October 1, 2019! Meanwhile, we would also like to announce you that we have also joined the DOAJ. That is, we are now: CEEOL, MLA Directory of Periodicals (+MLA International Bibliography), Ulrichsweb and DOAJ.  Our areas of interest are: literature (print and hypertext), (not classic literature -  not the literature of antiquity), media studies (radio, television), film studies, visual and performative arts, teaching (language, literature, rhetoric). Subjects such as Postcolonialism, Gender Studies, etc, are welcome if they have the above mentioned areas as their case studies. The volume will be due April-March 2019. Please see here our CFP, which will also lead you to our Guideline of authorshttp://litere.hyperion.ro/hypercultura/_menu_item_forthcoming_issues/  Thank you for reading this post! Looking forward to hearing from you and your submissions:)Have a great summer!  We are also welcoming reviewers for the same areas. If interested, please read http://litere.hyperion.ro/hypercultura/menu_item_peer-review/