UPDATE: 9th International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture “Risk and Safety” June 2021

deadline for submissions: 
August 1, 2021
full name / name of organization: 
University of Białystok (Poland) and Çankaya University (Turkey)



We are honored to announce the 9th International Conference on Language, Literature & Culture and Crossroads III Conference. This combined conference is organized jointly by the University of Białystok (Poland) and Çankaya University (Ankara, Turkey) on October 14-15, 2021 in Białystok, Poland, and the topical theme of the conference will be “Risk and Safety” in different areas of human sciences. 


Our Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Gerd Bayer, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) https://www.angam.phil.fau.de/fields/enst/lit/staff/gerd-bayer/

Prof. Dr. Stef Craps, Ghent University


Asst. Prof. Anna Barcz, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Literary Research https://ibl.waw.pl/en/abouttheinstitute/academicstaff/barcz-anna


This international conference is a peer-reviewed academic event and comprehensive venue for the free exchange and dissemination of ideas on language, translation, literary and cultural studies, and aims to bring together scholars and graduates researching the intersections of these fields in the welcoming atmosphere of the University of Białystok in Poland. We deem this year’s theme covers a wide variety of interdisciplinary studies. Topics might include but are not limited to:

  • representations of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes and ecological transformation in literature, 
  • literary disaster discourses, environmental literature, apocalyptic scenarios, eco-thrillers, climate fiction and risk narratives, 
  • ‘risk’ and ‘safety’ in travel writing,
  • climate change, the loss of biodiversity and the extinction of the human race,
  • the motif of humankind beyond rescue,
  • atomic war, nuclear devastation and nature’s revenge, 
  • facing the problems of the Anthropocene, promoting change, transforming humanity,
  • ‘world risk theory’, trauma narratives,
  • the ethics and strategies of survival,
  • eye-witness narratives, testimonio,  
  • anxiety, suffering, loss, displacement, violence
  • narrative patterns and the semantics of disaster literature, 
  • the aesthetic and ethical aspects of destruction,
  • different modes of projecting the future in mimetic and speculative fiction,
  • national, cultural, gender and sexual identities,
  • security, sustainability, precaution and prevention, 
  • indigenous languages and cultures, an alternative, non-technocratic, non-anthropocentric attitude towards nature,
  • retranslation of nature’s language, fundamental transformation of societies,
  • corpus-driven analysis of ‘risk’ and ‘safety’,       ‘risk’ and ‘safety’ in media reporting,
  • diachronic studies of ‘risk’ and ‘safety’ 


A 300-word abstract and 5 keywords should be submitted as an email attachment to LLC2021conference@gmail.com by August 1, 2021. In your email, please include your name, affiliation, email address, phone number, title of the paper, abstract, 5 keywords and a brief bio data. For more information please visit www.elts.cankaya.edu.tr

  • Deadline for abstract submission: August 1, 2021
  • Notification of acceptance: August 10, 2021
  • Deadline for payment: September 10, 2021
  • Registration: September 20, 2021

Conference fees (non-refundable):

  • 80€ (100€ after September 10, 2021)

Bank account details: IBAN: PL 74 1160 2202 0000 0002 4179 4476

Bank Millennium SA


Payment reference: LLC2021 First Name Last Name

Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku  ul. Swierkowa 20 B 

15-328 Bialystok 


All submissions to the conference will be reviewed by at least two independent peers for technical merit and content. The papers presented at the conference will be published in a

volume. Should you need further information, please contact the organizers at


Organizing committee:

Anna Dziok-Łazarecka

Dorota Guzowska

Anna Maria Karczewska (chair)

Daniel Karczewski

Mustafa Kirca (co-chair)

Ertuğrul Koç

Magdalena Łapińska (secretary)

Tomasz Michta

Adelheid Rundholz

Justyna Wawrzyniuk