CFP: Collecting and Collectibles, Popular Culture Assn 2020 conference
Collecting & Collectibles Area of the Popular Culture Association
2020 Conference — April 15-18 at the Downtown Philadelphia Marriott, Philadelphia, PA
The Collecting and Collectibles Area of the Popular Culture Association invites paper submissions on any topic involving collecting. Subject areas might include, but are not limited to:
- why people collect (motives/motivations)
- particular collectors and/or collections
- social and cultural aspects of collecting
- the practice of collecting
- theories of collecting
- collecting theory vs. collecting practice
- specific types of collectibles
- the psychology of collecting
- historical changes in collecting
- collecting in/as contemporary popular culture
- collecting as a metaphor in (post)modern life
- consumerism and collecting
- collecting and/as material culture
- how the Internet has changed traditional collecting
- new forms of collecting in a digital world
Papers can deal with any type of collecting – from individual to institutional (museums, libraries etc.) – and/or any type of collectible – from popular culture to fine arts to antiquities to new forms of collecting that may exist only in virtual spaces. We would especially like to encourage submissions that work to broaden and deepen our understanding of collecting across its many contexts.
Inquiries about possible papers or proposals for round table sessions or full panels are also welcomed and encouraged.
All proposals should be submitted online via the PCA/ACA website ( Please point your web browser to and follow the instructions there to submit your 100-250-word abstract.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified by November 30, 2019.
All presenters must be members of the PCA and must register for the conference. Here is the schedule of deadlines and pertinent dates:
1 August Database Opens for Submissions
1 October Registration Opens
1 November Deadline for Paper Proposals
1 December Early Bird Registration Rate Ends
1-2 January 2020 Regular Registration Ends/Late Registration Begins
20 January 2020 Preliminary Program Available
1 February 2020 “Drop Dead”: Participants Not Registered Removed from Program
15-18 April 2020 Philly!
Please don't hesitate to get in touch via email or phone if you have any questions.
Kevin M. Moist
Associate Professor of Communications
Communications Program Chair
Penn State Altoona
3000 Ivyside Park
Altoona, PA 16601