
displaying 91 - 105 of 332

The Victorian Studies Association of Ontario-Sponsored ACCUTE Joint Session: “Eco-Victorians: Water, Land, and the World,” For the Humanities Congress at the University of Western Ontario, May 30th-June 5th, 2020

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:42pm
Victorian Studies Association of Ontario/ACCUTE
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 15, 2019

The Victorian Studies Association of Ontario-Sponsored ACCUTE Joint Session: “Eco-Victorians: Water, Land, and the World,” For the Humanities Congress at the University of Western Ontario, May 30th-June 5th, 2020


ACLA 2020 The World vs. The Global

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:42pm
Sara Marzioli; Germán Campos-Muñoz
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, September 23, 2019

Can we theorize World Literature as an intellectual and creative practice of resistance against the cultural imperialism embodied by the idea of the Global, the celebration of what Graham Hubbard calls the “postcolonial exotic,” and the hegemony of the English language? Is there a degree of antagonism between World Literature and the Global--or between the notions of translation and lingua franca? In what ways have these various terms been conflated or exchanged, and what do these conceptual entanglements tell us about the stakes and methodology of World Literature as a theory, a field of inquiry, and an institution?

Beyond Borders, Walls, and Binaries: Creating Inclusive Classroom Spaces

Wednesday, September 18, 2019 - 9:41am
Society for the Study of Southern Literature's Emerging Scholars Organization
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Panel Proposal for the SSSL Biennial Conference in Fayatteville, AR (February 20-23, 2020)

Sponsored by the Society for the Study of Southern Literature’s Emerging Scholars Organization

Chair: Elizabeth Gardner, Louisiana State University 

[Deadline Extended] Entangled Englishes in Translocal Spaces: An International Conference

Thursday, January 30, 2020 - 10:10am
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, February 15, 2020


International Conference on

Entangled Englishes in Translocal Spaces

21-22 June 2020

Keynote Speaker:

Professor Robert Phillipson

Professor Emeritus

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


Keynote Speaker:

Professor Alastair Pennycook

Distinguished Professor of Language, Society and Education

University of Technology Sydney, Australia


Plenary Speakers:

Rebirth, renewal, Renaissance: Postcolonial Literary Panel, SAES (French Society for English Studies) Conference, Tours (France), 4-6th June 2020

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:44pm
Jaine Chemmachery/ Université Paris Dauphine PSL
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 1, 2019

“Renaissance(s) / Rebirth(s)”, the theme chosen for the 2020 SAES conference, is particularly relevant in the context of postcolonial literatures in English. Often called “new literatures” in the early years of their emergence, postcolonial works were – and are – frequently characterised by their attempts to renew literary forms, genres and language. These innovative practices sought, and often still seek, emancipation from European norms and canons, with the risk of creating new orthodoxies, like the primacy of the novel in the Indian postcolonial literary scene.

Intercultural Pragmatics: Where Language and Culture Meet

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:44pm
NeMLA 2020-Northeast Modern Language Association
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, September 30, 2019




The 51st Annual Convention will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, March 5-8, 2020.


Panel Proposal

CFP: How to do things with speculative pragmatism?

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 4:28pm
AM Journal of Art and Media Studies
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

“A thing is when it isn’t doing”, writes Brian Massumi in Parables for the Virtual: Movement, Affect, Sensation (2002: 6). But the thing is always doing, so much so that the thing, any-thing, is constituted through the doing. Every-thing is fundamentally relational. Given this starting point, the key terms of the onto-politico-aesthetic debate change; they are: affect, immanence, movement, intensity, emergence, becoming, event, virtual, nature-culture, space-time.

CFP "Cesare Pavese: il racconto tra razionale e irrazionale"

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:41pm
Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 1, 2019

È online la call for contributions relativa alla sezione monografica del numero XIII di «Ticontre» (maggio 2020) dedicata alla scrittura di Cesare Pavese, a cura di Giancarlo Alfano, Massimiliano Tortora e Carlo Tirinanzi De Medici. La deadline per l'invio degli abstract è il 1 novembre 2019, quella per la consegna degli articoli definitivi il 6 gennaio 2019

Di seguito il testo completo della call:


In occasione del settantesimo anniversario della morte di Cesare Pavese «Ticontre. Teoria Testo Traduzione» ha deciso di dedicare un numero monografico alla figura del critico e scrittore piemontese.

ACLA 2020: Awkwardness

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:41pm
University of Chicago
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, September 23, 2019

To feel something is “awkward” is to verge on—without exactly arriving at— a judgment: it notes that a situation is uncomfortable without diagnosing what is responsible for that social impasse. (Here one thinks of the childhood staple the “awkward turtle,” which surfaces when there is nothing else to do.) Awkwardness thus names an interval of epistemological suspension: it invokes a placeholder for a situation to which one is unsure how to react and registers an emergent sociality the contours of which are not readily intelligible.

CFP Mythology in Contemporary Culture at the Popular Culture Association National Conference April 15-18 2020

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:40pm
Popular Culture Association
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, November 1, 2020

2020 Popular Culture Association (PCA) & American Culture Association (ACA) Joint National Conference

April 15-18, 2020  

Philadelphia Marriott Downtown                                                                   


Call for Papers

[ACLA 2020] Style: Beyond Form

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:39pm
ACLA Chicago 2020
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, September 23, 2019

The past decade has seen an outpouring of work on form. Relatively little, by comparison, has foregrounded style.  What is the relation between form and style? How does style get us leverage on political and social questions that form does not—and vice versa—and why?  Which social contradictions animate style, or is it more a matter of psychic ambivalence? As D. A. Miller has argued, style may aim to get us close, but not too close, to hegemonic social and sexual orders that exclude us.  Or perhaps, as Mark McGurl advances, style helps us negotiate our entrance into newly democratizing but elite institutions such as the university. What is the relation between style, social capital, and the body?

Un/Tethered: Cather on the Cusp of the 1920s

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:27pm
National Willa Cather Center
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, February 1, 2020

For Cather and for the nation, the dawn of the 1920s was a tumultuous time, marked by new freedoms and new entanglements. The Great War had ended and women had won the right to vote, but 1919’s Red Summer and Palmer Raids signalled lingering social discord. Into this unsettled world, Willa Cather brought out Youth and the Bright Medusa, her collection of short stories that marked her departure from Houghton Mifflin and launched her long and successful partnership with a new publisher, Alfred Knopf. In the stories of Youth and the Bright Medusa, Cather’s artists move through a world that is by turns inspiring and enervating.

Wait Five Minutes: Weatherlore in the Twenty-first Century (edited collection)

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:27pm
Shelley Ingram / University of Louisiana at Lafayette
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, November 1, 2019

Wait Five Minutes: Weatherlore in the Twenty-first Century (edited collection)

Editors: Willow G. Mullins and Shelley Ingram


“Don’t like the weather here? Wait five minutes, it’ll change.”

Reminder: ACLA 2020 Censorship and Dissent in South Asia

Monday, September 23, 2019 - 2:26pm
Supurna Dasgupta/U of Chicago
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, September 22, 2019

The history of censorship in modern South Asia goes back to the Registration of Books Act (1867), used to track anti-state sedition; and to the various indigenous and British non-governmental associations of civilians who organized themselves as the guardians of literary culture around the same time. Both these currents continue to the contemporary moment in many ways. Genres of dissent are governed by various acts, laws, associations, extra-judicial modes of repression, and more recently, by social media.

EXTENDED Call for Papers: Myth and Fairy Tales at Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA) 2020

Saturday, November 2, 2019 - 11:42am
Southwest Popular/American Culture Association
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Call for Papers

Myth and Fairy Tales

Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)


41st Annual Conference, February 19-22, 2020

Hyatt Regency Hotel & Conference Center

Albuquerque, New Mexico


EXTENDED Proposal submission deadline : November 20, 2019

