“Digital Humanities in the American Literature Classroom” -- ALA 2020

deadline for submissions: 
January 13, 2020
full name / name of organization: 
Digital Americanists Society

“Digital Humanities in the American Literature Classroom”
The Digital Americanists solicit abstracts (c. 250 words) for a roundtable discussion at the 2020 American Literature Association Conference (San Diego, May 21–24, 2020).

This roundtable will consider the role of digital humanities in the teaching of American Literature. We will look to engage in and amplify dialogue about digital pedagogy, building upon recent scholarship like the 2018 collections Teaching with Digital Humanities and An Urgency of Teachers: The Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy, and to share new ideas about what and how we teach. Acknowledging the slippery meaning of “DH,” we invite panelists to think critically about how the digital shapes their institution’s course structure, classroom environment, assignments, or students’ daily work.  We are especially interested in presentations that focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion as they influence our digital pedagogy and institutional practice.

We are envisioning this roundtable as a series of 5-10 minute presentations followed by discussion. We will facilitate and encourage collaboration and coordination amongst the participants.

Topics might include but are not limited to the following:

  • Using digital & open-access textbooks
  • Teaching with digital tools, methods, and archives
  • Implementing DH at smaller/teaching-focused institutions
  • Attending to accessibility and inclusivity in digital pedagogy
  • Teaching digitally in low-income & low-tech institutions/areas
  • Digital work in publicly-engaged classrooms
  • DH, critical pedagogy, and the neoliberal institution

If you are a graduate student or an independent researcher without institutional support, we encourage you to apply for our $100 travel grant. If you wish to be considered, please send a short statement of interest (one sentence suffices), as well as a note on your current institutional travel support, alongside your paper proposal.

Deadline for all submissions is January 13, 2020. Send abstracts or questions by email to digitalamericanists@gmail.com. For more information about the Digital Americanists Society, see http://digitalamericanists.org. For information about the ALA and the 2020 conference, see http://americanliteratureassociation.org/.