Environment and Post colonialism: A Literary Response (the window is opened again for submission!)

deadline for submissions: 
February 7, 2020
full name / name of organization: 
Shubhanku Kochar/ Anjum Khan

Call for Chapters (Note: Our book is getting ready with Lexington Press. However we can still accomodate few more chapters.)

Tentative title Environment and Post colonialism: A Literary Response

“God made the country, and manmade the town,” is one of the most paradigmatic lines echoing the hindsight of a transforming world. Man has made several, political constructions in the world. One such phenomenal political construction has been colonialism. It has accomplished dualistic oppression of both ‘Others’ and nature. Although, the colonizers have retreated, the colonies have never completely recovered from the effects of colonization. It is high time that one should look back at colonial legacy with reference to the natural world. West not only changed the cultural landscape of its x colonies but also metamorphosed the natural landscapes. Thousands of mountains were blasted, countless forests were decimated, innumerable rivers were dammed, a huge variety of birds and animals were either murdered or migrated and many new crops were introduced as cash crops along with the parallel mass destruction, all in the name of development and expansion.

The anthology seeks to address the Complex interplay between post colonialism and environmental destruction through literature produced in the x colonies. The topics that the proposed book seeks to cover are, but not limited to the following:

Postcolonial Literature and pollution

Postcolonial Literature and natural energy

Postcolonial Literature and changing habitat

Postcolonial Literature and land

Postcolonial Literature and birds and animals

Postcolonial Literature and Capitalism

West’s idea of Nature

East’s idea of Nature

Africa’s idea of Nature

Missionaries and sacred groves and forests


Abstracts of not more than 300words, along with a brief bio, may be send to the editors, Dr. Shubhanku Kochar, Assistant Professor in Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi, shubhankukochar@gmail.com and Dr. Anjum Khan Assistant Professor in Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Tamil Nadu, anjumkhanrs@gmail.com. Please email us on or before April 10, 2020. The contributors will be informed about the acceptance or rejection shortly.The deadline for submitting the full chapters is April 30, 2020 and, the chapter should contain about 5000 to 7000 words. The anthology is due in June 2020 by Lexington international publisher.

Everyone is invited to participate and contribute.