special issue of ESQ: Lydia Sigourney and Her Contemporaries

deadline for submissions: 
March 15, 2020
full name / name of organization: 
Dr.Mary Louise Kete/ University of Vermont and Dr.Elizabeth Petrino/Fairfield University
contact email: 

Call for papers for a special issue of ESQ to explore the work of Lydia Sigourney and Her Contemporaries. This issue will be devoted to essays addressing the question of Sigourney within the context of her contemporaries. We welcome new essays discussing her work in the context of other major authors or exploring her role in the historical context from a variety of critical approaches including formalist, theoretical, historical and pedagogical. Proposals requested by March 15, 2020. A non-exclusive list of sample topics:*The relationship between Sigourney and members of the Concord Circle* Sigourney and Romantic Poetics* Sigourney in the Age of Jackson* Sigourney and trans-Atlantic Romantic and Victorian poetics* Sigourney and question of race.* Sigourney and her contemporaries in the literary marketplace* Teaching Sigourney --- Reconfiguring the 19th-century canon* Sigourney, Fuller and the American Woman's Memoir* Ecocritical readings of Sigourney and her contemporaries* Feminist readings of Sigourney and her contemporaries* Sigourney and the invention of a pedagogy for America* Sigourney as editor and mentor* Sigourney, Whitman, Longfellow, and the American epic or long poem.* Sigourney and the work of Black women authors.
Proposals of 250-300 words requested by March 15, 2020. Final drafts of +/-7,000 expected by October 1, 2020.  Please send inquiries or proposals for papers to Elizabeth Petrino (epetrino@fairfield.edu) and Mary Louise Kete (mkete@uvm.edu).