Call for Papers | Vol 2: Issue I – Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Call for Papers | Vol 2: Issue I – Electronic Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (
Electronic Research Journal (ERJ) for Social Sciences and Humanities aims to give opportunity to research papers and other innovative ideas. Researches based on Qualitative, quantitative, field, laboratory, and combination methods are published. Studies that focus on problems and issues related to developing countries are specifically appreciated and encouraged. Apart from that, articles, literature surveys, book reviews and other innovations related to topics that are a combination of humanities and social sciences are also welcomed. Works from any region or country are highly encouraged. Moreover, single country studies, multi-country or regional studies could also be submitted.
Note: Authors are encouraged to post copies of their published papers to their own institutional or personal/professional websites along with a link to the original paper at the journal website. This will assist in disseminating their work as well as raising awareness of the journal.
Languages: English & Urdu
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