Faulkner, Welty, Wright: A Mississippi Confluence
Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 2021
“Faulkner, Welty, Wright: A Mississippi Confluence”
July 18-22, 2021
University of Mississippi
Announcement and Call For Papers
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Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 2021
“Faulkner, Welty, Wright: A Mississippi Confluence”
July 18-22, 2021
University of Mississippi
Announcement and Call For Papers
The Climate of Fatigue: What Comes After Exhaustion?
SLSA (Society for Literature, Science and the Arts) Conference, October 16-18, 2020, Ann Arbor, MI
Steven Swarbrick, Baruch College (CUNY) & Sarah Ensor, University of Michigan
CFP: Through a Glass, Darkly: Screening the Art World (edited collection)
The 29th Annual Conference of the Arkansas Holocaust Education Committee
October 15, 2020 at the Holiday Inn & Northwest Arkansas Convention Center, Springdale, AR
For almost 30 years, the Arkansas Holocaust Education Committee has sponsored a Holocaust education conference that draws hundreds of students and teachers from the local area and that has drawn survivors and presenters such as Deborah Lipstadt, Henry Friedlander, and Judith Cohen.
At the daylong conference, participants—mostly secondary students—attend a demanding and wide-ranging program, including an overview of the Holocaust, a presentation by a survivor, and two seminar-style breakout sessions.
The idea of an individual’s identity is at the core of many conversations, both currently and historically, and the conversation about veteran identity and how other this identity does (or does not) intersect with other facets of an individual’s identity is just beginning. This special issue invites submissions that work to expand our dialogue and challenge our understanding of veteran identity and representation. The Journal of Veterans Studies invites scholarly articles that pursue questions about veteran identity and invites personal perspectives of veteran identities to complement these scholarly articles. Contributions may explore, but are not limited to the following questions:
(Update on) Situations Annual Conference 2020
Between Asia and Europe: Whither Comparative Cultural Studies?
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Nov 26-27, 2020
** The conference is now scheduled for Nov 26-27, 2020.
** The deadline for your 4,000-word proposal, which includes a 100-word bio statement and a 150-word abstract, is Sep 20, 2020.
The 118th annual conference of the Pacific Ancient & Modern Languages Association (PAMLA) will be held at the Sahara Las Vegas Hotel, from Thursday, November 12, to Sunday, November 15.