2020 MPCA/ACA Conference: Animation and Anime

deadline for submissions: 
April 30, 2020
full name / name of organization: 
Midwest Popular Culture Association
contact email: 

2020 MPCA/ACA Conference: Animation and Anime


Call for Papers. The Midwest Popular Culture Association/Midwest American Culture Association seeks proposals for papers and panels both on Western animation and on anime for its 2020 Conference, to be held Friday-Sunday, 2-4 October 2020 at the Westin Minneapolis in Minneapolis, Minnesota.  As animation and anime cover all kinds of storytelling, topics may include but are not limited to the following suggestions:


  • Using animation and anime in the classroom
  • History of animation and anime
  • Creating and producing animation and anime (adapting sources like folklore and manga, visual styles, music, voice casting, translating and subtitling, etc.)
  • Genres of animation and anime (romantic comedy, slice-of-life, horror, erotica, science fiction, parody, fantasy, superhero, crime and mystery, etc.)
  • Examination of social and political issues (environmentalism, addiction, gender roles, faith and spiritualism, etc.) in animation and anime
  • Rhetorical and/or ethical critiques of animation and anime


Please send submissions directly to https://submissions.mpcaaca.org/.  The deadline for individuals to submit papers, abstracts, and proposals to the submission website is April 30, 2020.  Details are available in the official CFP at https://mpcaaca.org/minn-2020/2020-cfp/.  Graduate students are invited to apply for one of the MPCA/ACA’s competitively awarded travel grants at https://mpcaaca.org/info/travel-grants/.  Please direct any questions (for papers on animation and anime only, please) to Dr. Mark Gellis at mgellis@kettering.edu