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Literature and Spirituality

Monday, March 30, 2020 - 2:49pm
Cerrados Magazine/ Brasília University
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, April 20, 2020

According to Darcy Ribeiro (1995), the Brazilian people have religiosity as a cornerstone of its culture. It not only played a large role in its “civilizatory” process, but also stimulated resistance movements, among which are the ones in Canudos, Bahia, and Lagoinha, Goiás. Religion has remained a strong identity feature through all of Brazilian history and, still today, it is the center of relevant social conflicts. Nevertheless, there is, in the Brazilian literary scene, very little space dedicated to the study of the representation of individuals and/or religious doctrines. The academy, thus, fosters the shunning of literary works bearing relationship with the mystic, the religious or, anything, in any way, connected with the sacred.

Reparative Turn in Practice and the Relativity of Monsters (panel proposal for CAA 2021)

Monday, March 30, 2020 - 2:45pm
College Art Association
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Open call for panelist proposals: Reparative Turn in Practice and the Relativity of MonstersPlease submit proposals on or before: April 15, 2020

This open call is for submission of presentations that if selected, will be included in a full panel proposal which will be submitted for the 109th College Art Association annual conference set to take place February 10-13, 2021 at the Hilton New York Midtown, New York, NY