Exploring the Renaissance 2021: An International Conference
deadline for submissions:
December 18, 2020
full name / name of organization:
South Central Renaissance Conference
contact email:
The South-Central Renaissance Conference (SCRC) and its affiliate societies
Queen Elizabeth I Society
Andrew Marvell Society
Society for Renaissance Art History
invite 15- to 20-minute conference papers for
Exploring the Renaissance 2021
March 25-27, 2021
This year’s conference will be held remotely through Zoom.
Submit 300-word abstracts at https://southcentralrenaissanceconference.org/
Deadline: December 18, 2020
Program Chair: Mary Villeponteaux, Georgia Southern University mvilleponteaux@georgiasouthern.edu
For more information, including invited speakers, please visit https://southcentralrenaissanceconference.org/