Sigma Tau Delta 2020 Southwestern Symposium
Co-Sponsored by Oklahoma Baptist University, The University of Texas at Dallas, and the Sigma Tau Delta Southwestern Region.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
The Southwestern Region of Sigma Tau Delta contains a multitude of diverse narratives. During the 2020 Symposium, we want to encourage members to expand their own narratives by listening to and discussing the narratives of others. Our goal is to create a vibrant, unified identity for our Region built upon an appreciation and understanding of the diversity of narratives within it.
Submission Eligibility:
All undergraduate and graduate students (Sigma Tau Delta induction not required) and Sigma Tau Delta alumni
Submission Type:
Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, or critical essay.
Submission Requirements:
Please email submissions to with the subject line “2020 Symposium Submission.” Do not include your name on the work itself, but on a separate cover page along with your university, major (and minor, if applicable), and classification. All submissions will be judged anonymously. We will be in contact with you by early October on whether your work has been accepted for presentation.
Document Format:
- All submissions should be typed, double-spaced, in a standard font such as Times New Roman or Helvetica, and submitted as a doc, docx, rtf, or PDF file.
- Prose submissions should not exceed 2,000 words (excluding the cover page or the bibliography/Works Cited) and should take no longer than 15 minutes to read.
- Poetry submissions should take no more than 15 minutes to present. A poetry collection (two or more works) should have a title.