James Baldwin Review Volume 7
James Baldwin Review Volume 7 (2021) CFP
James Baldwin Review (JBR), an annual peer-reviewed journal, is seeking submissions for its seventh volume. An online, open access publication, James Baldwin Review brings together a wide array of peer-reviewed critical and creative non-fiction on the life, writings, and legacy of James Baldwin. JBR publishes essays that invigorate scholarship on James Baldwin, catalyse explorations of the literary, political, and cultural influence of Baldwin’s writing and political activism, and deepen our understanding and appreciation of this complex and luminary figure.
Each year the journal also publishes an outstanding essay by a graduate student. Submissions from graduate students should be marked as such, and all submissions must be accompanied by a cover page, 250-word abstract, and a list of keywords. James Baldwin Review utilizes a hybrid stylesheet incorporating both endnote citations and a list of works cited; submissions that follow in-house style will receive highest consideration. Please consult our detailed submission instructions on our website:
Submissions considering James Baldwin and film will be receive priority consideration for volume 7. We accept submissions throughout the year but in order to be considered for volume 7, submissions must be received by January 15th, 2021.
It is the aim of James Baldwin Review to provide a vibrant and multidisciplinary forum for the international community of Baldwin scholars, students, and enthusiasts.
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Authors are welcome to contact the managing editor—Justin A. Joyce—with proposals or queries at: joyceja@newschool.edu