Dos Hemisferios: the Americas, Europe and Africa in Black, Latinx and Hispano-Americano Writing
How have transatlantic imaginaries and networks played a central role in the construction of hispano-americano and Latinx identities? How have these identities embraced the political causes of the black diaspora, like antislavery, civil rights and Black Lives Matter? To what extent have artists, writers and activists triangulated the Americas, Europe and Africa in their transatlantic imaginaries?
This proposed ACLA seminar takes its title and inspiration from two antislavery and anti-imperialist newspapers in 1850s Paris, El eco de ambos mundos, which the Spanish government banned from all of its dominions in 1852, and its successor, El eco hispano-americano, both of which convened migrant writers from Spain and the Americas as they called for an alliance of Spanish-speakers in what the first paper termed “los dos hemisferios.”
Accordingly, this seminar proposes a long historical examination of various forms of cultural production by Blacks, hispano-americanos and Latinx from the nineteenth century to the present who sought to link the Americas and Europe in order to move beyond Eurocentrism and to oppose racism and imperialism. The impetus for this panel emerges from hemispheric studies and global South studies scholarship as well as from Cuban Studies scholarship focusing on blackness.
Here is how to submit a paper to ACLA’s fully virtual conference:
1.) You can reach the virtual conference platform by clicking the button reading "Access Virtual Conference Platform":
2.) You will be prompted to log in using your ACLA account information. If you do not currently have an account you will be able to create one.
3.) After logging in, you will reach the Home page for the ACLA 2021 conference. All conference information is displayed on this page. In order to view the seminars, click the menu for "View Seminars" at the top of the screen.
4.) You can scroll through the seminars or use the keyword search tool on the right side of the screen to find a particular seminar. Once you are ready to apply, click the button beneath the seminar title reading "Apply to this Seminar.” Follow the steps to submit your paper abstract.
Abstracts are due by Saturday, October 31, 2020