call for papers on Writing and Teaching Justice

deadline for submissions: 
April 15, 2021
full name / name of organization: 
CEA Mid-Atlantic Review

The CEA Mid-Atlantic Review is the official publication of the College English Association Mid-Atlantic Group and is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published annually. We specialize in literary and cultural criticism, discussions of pedagogy, public humanities work, book reviews, personal essays concerned with the teaching of English, and creative writing related to literature or teaching.  The CEA Mid-Atlantic Review believes that scholars and creative writers should be paid for their labor. Authors of published pieces will receive a $20 honorarium.

We seek scholarly articles, position papers, and pedagogical reflections on the theme “Writing and Teaching Justice” for the Fall 2021 issue. Although proposals may broadly interpret the theme along the following subtopics indicated below, we will also gladly review thematically divergent works for possible inclusion.  

Some Subtopics to Consider:

  • Black Lives Matter In The Classroom

  • The Rhetoric Of Protest

  • Writing (& Righting) Civil Disobedience

  • Teaching Literature In An Age Of Authoritarian Politics

  • The Social Responsibility Of Higher Ed

  • Online Education Before And After The Pandemic

  • The Media’s Role In Framing And Achieving Justice

  • Economic Justice In Higher Ed

  • Pedagogy For A Pandemic

Research articles and essay submissions should be limited to between 3,000 and 5,000 words; book reviews should be limited to 1,000 words; poems should be limited to 500 words; short fiction should be limited to 1,500 words.

All scholarly work must be prepared in accordance with the most recent MLA style manual and emailed as a Word or Google document to The deadline for submissions for Fall publication is April 15. Co-Editors: Dr. Horacio Sierra, Bowie State University ( and Dr. Marlon Moore, U.S. Naval Academy ( The CEA Mid-Atlantic Review is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and licensed through EBSCO.

Additional information about the CEA Mid-Atlantic Group and our journal is available at