Call For Qualified Guest Reviewers - Creative Industries (Business, Crafts, New Technologies, Theater, Video Games, Etc)

deadline for submissions: 
October 26, 2024
full name / name of organization: 
Creative Industries Journal
contact email: 

Call for Well-Qualified Guest Reviewers

The international peer-reviewed Creative Industries Journal [CIJ] (Routledge/ Taylor and Francis), now in its 17th volume and approaching its 16th year, seeks to create a pool of guest reviewers, who possess the requisite expertise, to complement our Peer Review Board and Editorial team.

Specifically, the journal is currently looking for those with expertise in the business of the creative industries, music, architecture,  software, media and digital media, film, video games, art, crafts, design, fashion.

CIJ is an international journal published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis and work published in the journal is widely read and cited.

Interested folks are invited to contact Graeme (as below):

Professor Graeme Harper BA MLitt DCA Ph.D. FRGS FRAI FRSA, Editor, Creative Industries Journal, Dean, The Honors College, Oakland University, Michigan,