Multiverse Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

deadline for submissions: 
June 30, 2021
full name / name of organization: 
Multiverse Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention
contact email: 

Multiverse Science Fiction & Fantasy Convention

Event Date & Location: October 15-17, 2021, Westin Atlanta Perimeter North

Deadline for Submissions: June 30, 2021

Name of Organization: Multiverse Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Organization Website:

Contact Email: Rhonda Jackson Joseph,


Multiverse Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention was formed from our belief that great stories don’t only come from the books and comics we love to read. Each fan is their own universe as well, with their own unique story to tell. Added together, these infinite stories create the Multiverse of modern fandom.

This Multiverse also informs the creation of works of speculative fiction, a body of work encompassing every imaginable academic field. In this light, we seek to create a multidisciplinary academic program that will showcase the innumerable ways speculative fiction is inspired by various branches of academia.  


Multiverse Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention is seeking academic presentations of 15, 25, and (a limited number) 45 minutes in length for the 2021 convention. While we require presentations to reflect rigorous academic scholarship, we are not requesting conference paper readings. Presentations only, please.

We are seeking presentations that approach an academic topic in a way that non-academic audiences will find accessible and entertaining. Ideally, presentations will incorporate a core theme or topic of interest to speculative fiction fans.

Example topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • An interesting historical event that garners immense speculation. What really happened?
  • A comparison between modern governments and dystopian societies
  • The application of a sociological lens in examining a popular speculative fiction TV show or movie
  • From a scientific angle, could one of the monsters from horror tropes really exist?
  • How might the fantasy elements of speculative fiction lend themselves to child development in teaching various lessons?
  • A chemistry presentation that teaches children how to create spider webbing
  • A presentation on new, emerging technologies or scientific breakthroughs (e.g., artificial intelligence, biotech, space travel, etc.)

Presentations on specific authors, works of fiction, or genres within speculative fiction are also welcome. Of particular interest are presentations on the works of any of our Guests of Honor and/or focusing on voices within speculative fiction that are not typically amplified.

Please note: we would like to include at least one presentation per convention day that fits our theme and is targeted to a child/family friendly audience, so please submit those presentation proposals, as well. Our definition of child/family targeted includes any images, videos, or handouts accompanying the presentation.

Please provide the following in your submission:

  • 300-500 word abstract
  • Preliminary bibliography
  • Length of presentation (15, 25, or 45-minute category)
  • 150-word biography (should reflect academic credentials)
  • Any required props or specialized A/V equipment
  • Do you have any special accommodations or other requests we should be aware of?
  • What are your pronouns?

Email your submissions and/or questions to Rhonda Jackson Joseph at:

Accepted presenters will receive a complimentary Multiverse membership for 2021 and may be invited to participate in other panels within the convention’s other programming tracks. If you would like to be considered for other programming at the convention, separately or in conjunction with your proposed academic presentation, please fill out our guest application here.

Proposals will be selected for acceptance on a rolling basis until July 31, 2021.