DEADLINE EXTENDED: Wide Screen Issue 9 No. 1
Wide Screen invites papers for its 2021 General Issue (Issue 9 No. 1).
For the last several years, we have worked primarily with guest editors who have edited special issues that have attracted exciting work on subjects such as the production of cinematic space, video games, and the studio system in Indian cinema. This year, we want to invite papers for a general issue that is open to new, critical work in all areas of film and media studies.
You can submit critical essays, book reviews, festival reports or interviews.
We are also accepting abstracts for two dossiers that will be a part of this issue.
Dossier 1: Film and Media in the Time of COVID
The list of topics for the COVID dossier include but are not limited to:
- Media consumption during quarantine
- Binge watching
- Mediating boredom
- Reconfiguration of viewing spaces and practices
- Teaching film and media during quarantine
- Synchronous and asynchronous teaching
- Adapting teaching material and practices
- Turning on cameras
- Teaching blank screens
- Making films accessible to students
- Tech failures
- Tech surprises
- Co-viewing remotely
- Mediated good-byes (Zoom and death)
- Conferencing during an epidemic
Dossier 2: Disability, Affect and Genre. Such submissions could take the shape of:
- Critiques of disability tropes (supercrip, mercy killing, etc.)
- Significant narrative engagements with disabled characters
- Work by disabled directors, special effects artists, production teams
- Analyses of disabled landscapes, worlds, or alternate realities
- Associations between disability and otherness (aliens, monsters, mutants, etc.)
- Broader theoretical engagements between genre and disability studies
We are working on an expedited timeline for this issue, and hope to have it out before the end of the year.
Email abstracts to by June 10, 2021.
Full paper manuscripts of accepted asbtracts due on July 31, 2021.