Translation Graduate Journal
The editors of a new scholarly graduate journal, Living in Languages Translation Journal, are pleased to invite you to submit your work, investigations, or studies of translation for the inaugural issue. Living in Languages Journal is an online, open source, peer-reviewed graduate journal devoted to translation studies. We are a multilingual and interdisciplinary publication—a collaboration between the English and the Languages, Literatures and Cultures departments at UAlbany.
Concept note:
For our first issue, we want to build from our colloquium where the presenters explored, under the rubric of living in more than one language/culture, topics ranging from philosophy to personal memoir, from bilingualism to the apprehension of the ‘other,’ from ‘arrival’ to questions of ‘sovereignty,’ from a literature that speaks deliberately in more than one tongue to the languages of film. These and other topics are gathered under the breadth of ‘translation’ and ‘untranslatability.’ We welcome theoretical, practical and creative works. We are inviting critical and creative papers for the following sub themes, to justify relevance and scope of the issue:
1) Language, Institutional Facts, and Cultural Codes
2) More than One [Language]
3) Violence, Memoir, and Visual/Linguistic Representation
4) Trans-lations: Voyages of Otherness and Arrival
5) The Untranslatable
For formal guidelines and submissions please see:
Last date of submission: June 30th, 2021.