Novels, Then and Now Area of Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association
Novels, Then and Now invites papers on all novel genres, authors, time periods, cultures, and settings. Consider it a safety net for novels that don’t fit neatly into a specific genre or that cross genres. For example, consider the many sub-genres of Romance with a capital “R”—western, thriller, paranormal, religious, romance (with a small “r”), detective, urban fantasy, etc. From Pearl S. Buck to Lee Child, from Laurie King to Tony Hillerman, from Julia Spencer-Fleming to Emilie Richards—all are welcome. Topics for the 2021 virtual conference could include, but are not limited to:
- Novels taking place pandemics, past and present
- Novel reading as an alternative to digital engagement
- Social justice in the novel
- Electronic literature and transmedia projects that reference or include novels
- Books on screen, such as bookshelves as self-expression as zoom backgrounds or books on social media
Proposals are welcome on all aspects of popular and American culture for inclusion in the 2021 Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association (MAPACA) virtual conference. Single papers, panels, roundtables, and alternative formats are welcome. This conference will be held completely online.
Proposals should take the form of 300-word abstracts, and may only be submitted to one appropriate area through the website. For a list of areas and area chair contact information, visit General questions can be directed to The deadline for submission is Thursday July 15, 2021.
MAPACA’s membership is comprised of college and university faculty, independent scholars and artists, and graduate and undergraduate students. MAPACA is an inclusive professional organization dedicated to the study of popular and American culture in all their multi-disciplinary manifestations. It is a regional division of the Popular Culture and American Culture Association, which, in the words of Popular Culture Association founder Ray Browne, is a “multi-disciplinary association interested in new approaches to the expressions, mass media and all other phenomena of everyday life.”
For more information, visit