CFP: IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2
IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies, the official scholarly journal of the English Language and Literature Research Association of Türkiye (IDEA), is an international, electronically published, and double blind peer-reviewed journal devoted to English literary studies. The journal aims to provide a highly qualified academic platform for the exchange of diverse critical and original ideas on any aspect of literatures written in English, cultural studies, and literary theory.
We accept works in the following areas:
- English/British Literature
- Literatures in English
- British Cultural Studies
- American Cultural Studies
- Cultural and Critical Studies
- Literary Theories
IDEAS: Journal of English Literary Studies is indexed in MLA International Bibliography, EBSCO, ERIH Plus, Asos Index, and listed in the MLA Directory of Periodicals.
The eighth issue will be published in October 2024. Original articles, interviews, and book reviews by academics working towards their Ph.D. and above will be considered for publication in IDEAS.
Papers are to be submitted through the submission system available on our website:
Please see the IDEAS template ( ) before you submit your paper.
IDEAS accepts submissions throughout the year, and our policy is to start the review process right upon submission. September 15th is the recommended deadline to be reviewed for the October issue; papers will be accepted also after this date and enter the review process to be published in the nearest issue upon acceptance.
Please visit our journal website for further information about the journal: