Moving Words: Multimodal and Digital Creative Writing Pedagogies and Practices

deadline for submissions: 
May 8, 2022
full name / name of organization: 
Drs. Sara K. Howe & Kristina Wright/Southern New Hampshire University



Moving Words: Multimodal and Digital Creative Writing Pedagogies 

We seek 350-word abstracts for approximately 5,000-word chapters for an edited book collection that explores the impact(s) of multimodal and digital media on the teaching of creative writing.


The creative writing landscape has changed dramatically in recent years due to the impact of technology on current writing, reading, and publishing practices. To extend beyond the traditional, higher-education workshop model of teaching only print-based, alphabetic creative writing, college instructors need more diverse teaching methodologies that appeal to a wider range of students, genres, and creative approaches. Thus, the intended audience for this book is instructors who want to expand their pedagogy and incorporate methods for teaching today’s emerging creative writers how to practice with digital storytelling, multimodality, and new forms of writing and publishing in the creative writing classroom. 

Note: A publisher has shown interest in this collection. We have begun the acceptance and review process of chapter proposals. We already have chapters on the following topics: teaching creative writing via podcasts and online literary journals, teaching poetry through video game technology, and teaching creative writing online. We are particularly interested in chapters that are focused on pedagogy and provide a rationale for that pedagogy, including examples, assignments, and approaches grounded in practice and theory. We are not seeking chapters on teaching during the pandemic or teaching online unless those approaches offer truly innovative ways of teaching creative writing.


Possible chapter topics. (This is not an exhaustive list. Please submit in your area of interest.):

  • new pedagogical approaches to the traditional creative writing workshop that incorporate diverse multimodal and digital creative writing projects;
  • assessment of multimodal and digital creative writing assignments;
  • new ways of teaching publishing and promotion of student writing, including web-based self-publishing, digital storytelling platforms, social media, and more;
  • how to tackle matters of equity and inclusion vis-à-vis technology in the creative writing classroom;
  • Creative writing assignments or approaches that incorporate the affordances of social media, remix technology, fanfiction, or other digital platforms that facilitate creative writing beyond the page.

Our aim with this collection is to bring together voices from distinct, but related, disciplines working with creative writing and multimodal and digital media: creative writing studies, rhetoric and composition, new media studies, literacy studies, and popular culture studies, among others.


Abstracts (approx. 350 words) due May 8, 2022: Abstracts must include a clear statement of the focus of your previously unpublished chapter. Please include your specific topic, your pedagogy, assignment types, and digital tools used and a rationale of why such pedagogy is successful in expanding our thinking about or approach to teaching creative writing. If applicable, please include an explanation of any web-based materials, visuals, or multimodal samples (with links) to be incorporated. Each chapter is allowed 2 images and the book will have a supplementary online page via the publisher for additional images. Please also attach a one-page CV and a brief (200-word or less) author bio, written in 3rd person, including teaching appointments and any prior publications (scholarly or creative). Submit these materials as Word attachments by May 8, 2022 to:

Chapter abstract acceptances: by May 22, 2022.

If accepted, full articles will be due by August 5, 2022.

Anticipated book completion date: December 31, 2022.

• Dr. Sara K. Howe, Associate Professor of English and Chair of the English Department, Southern New Hampshire University
• Dr. Kristina Wright, Associate Professor of English, Southern New Hampshire University