CFP–Music and the Senses, a special issue of Nineteenth-Century Contexts

deadline for submissions: 
November 15, 2021
full name / name of organization: 
Dane Stalcup
contact email: 

Call for papers: Music and the Senses, a special issue of Nineteenth-Century Contexts: An Interdisciplinary Journal, guest-edited by Dane Stalcup (Wagner College)

I am pleased to invite article proposals for a special issue of Nineteenth-Century Contexts called Music and the Senses.The issue invites scholars of a variety of backgrounds to reflect on the ways music and our modes of perception—our senses—informed each other in 19th-century culture. How, for example, did authors of the era link music to the physical sensation of touch, of being in nature or in a crowded city? How did the sound of music, like smell, link to memory in 19th-century life? How did music shape individual or collective senses of belonging? How, also, do the musical and visual come together not just in 19th-century performance culture, but also in ways we examine 19th-century history? And, last, how does music relate to sense as in meaning in the 19th century? 


Through such questions, Music and the Senses seeks novel, interdisciplinary ways of contextualizing music’s role in the daily life of individuals and communities during the long 19th century. In public and in private, music complemented culinary experiences, visual spectacle, the sensations of city life or the natural world. It accompanied intimate occasions, solitary reflection, ceremonies of joy or sadness, war and politics. Music, and the musicians of all levels who created it, helped to construct the sensorial world of 19th-century cultures across the globe. This special issue, thus, frames music within a multitude of fields and across national, linguistic, and generic borders. Contributors to this issue will not only explore how music enhances our perception; they will also investigate how music relates to our very capacity for feeling and being in a sensuous world. 


This call seeks submissions that conjoin music and the senses from a broad variety of methodological and interdisciplinary perspectives focusing on the 19th century, including, but not limited to:


Music and meaning

Music and memory

Music and reading 

Music and silence

Music and visual culture

Music and food

Music and smell

Music and touch

Music and synesthesia 

Music and desire or dreams

Music and solitude

Music and madness

Music and health

Music and death

Music and nature

Music and the city


I invite scholars of literature, musicology, history, anthropology, art history, philosophy, and performance studies, among others, to submit article proposals. This issue is not limited to any particular geographical area. Citations in original languages alongside English translations are welcome.


Please send proposals of 300 words in .doc or .docx format with NCC Music and the Senses in the subject line to Dane Stalcup by November 15, 2021. Authors will be notified of acceptance by November 30, 2021. The deadline for contributions (Chicago author-date, approx. 7,000 words, inclusive of works cited and notes) will be May 15, 2022.