Margins, Marginalized, Marginalia
CRAFT CRITIQUE CULTURE is an interdisciplinary conference focusing on the intersections of critical and creative approaches to writing, both within and beyond the academy. This year’s conference recognizes the spatial and temporal context within and beyond a written text. Within the text, we examine what has been mapped by the margins as well as the communities that have been marginalized by the borders of the page. Here, margins refer to the open spaces on the page — not inhabited by words, punctuation, ornamentation, etc. This year’s conference begins at the margins: whether it be the page, the camera lens, the pictorial frame, the margins of philosophy, the undercommons of the university, the peripheries of the city....margins are everywhere. Marginalia gives readers an opportunity to comment on established structures in writing, analysis, and adaptation, and create conversations that span space, time, and media forms. Crossing canonical borders gives us the opportunity to rework the borders of the page and its marginalized bodies; that is, to expand and reimagine our understanding of racial, gendered, socio-political, and environmental communities. On the subject of reimagined communities, Benedict Anderson remarks, “Communities are to be distinguished, not by their falsity or genuineness, but in the style in which they are imagined.” We seek to open up discussions that reimagine from the margins, exploring visual, auditory, and alternative forms of text. CCC 2022 seeks submissions that address these big questions as well as our intimate relationships with ourselves and others. We welcome research that engages with existing individuals, communities, and spaces, as well as work that speculates on imagined futures. In reading between the lines and writing beyond them, we prioritize the practice of inclusivity and seek to reimagine the margins of existing intellectual spaces. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to the following:
- Institutional margins and spaces, university, prison, etc.
- Spaces and margins impacted and/or exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic
- Practice of reimagining communities (positive and negative, material and immaterial): creating safe spaces, gerrymandering etc.
- Margins, marginalia, book studies, film studies, social sciences, manuscripts, book arts
- Margins and marginalia as explored in narrative studies, narratology
- Readership, methodologies of reading, characters/authors who are readers
- Environmental perspectives, ecocritical studies, geographical and imagined space
- Definitions of the canon and discussions of its ongoing influence
We invite 300-word proposal submissions for the following categories:
• Panel Presentations
• Creative Work
• Roundtable Sessions Proposals
to before Monday February 14, 2022. Please include your name and affiliation. For more information, you can visit our website at; follow our Twitter @craft_crit_cult; or find us on Facebook: @craftcritiqueculture