Reminder - Hypercultura - CFP - 10/2021
Dear Colleagues,
KInd reminder that we have the pleasure to invite you to submit articles for our next issue, due March-April 2022. While we will still encourage a comparative approach, though not imposing it, we will welcome papers on nationalism/postnationalism, colonialism/postcolonialism/decolonization, race, gender studies, ethnicity, and identity. The papers should apply any of the above on: literature (not classic), media studies, film studies, visual and performative arts, teaching (language and literature). We only receive original articles, not already published, not under simultaneous review at any other publication. We also receive a limited number of book reviews, of titles published no earlier than three years prior to the year of publication of this volume. Both the articles and the book reviews must be in English (USA). Articles must be analytic, they must be between 3500-8000 words, and follow the MLA 8th edition. Book reviews must be ~1500 words. Abstracts must be 150-200 words. Please see for article structure and details. Please send your papers via email ( until November 16, 2021. HyperCultura is also looking for reviewers for the said areas. If interested, please send your CV and a sample of your papers to Please see also We are indexed: CEEOL, Ulrichsweb, DOAJ, MLA Director of Periodicals, ERIH PLUS and EBSCO. And we are also visible through WorldCat ( Looking forward to hearing from you :), Best wishes,Sorina Georgescu