
displaying 46 - 60 of 206

Call for papers: artciencia.com, Number 26&27 (August 2021/July 2022)

Friday, October 22, 2021 - 10:51am
artciencia.com - revista de arte, ciência e comunicação
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, December 31, 2021

Call for papers: artciencia.com, Number 26&27 (August 2021/July 2022)

artciencia.com – journal of art, science and communication

(www.artciencia.com; http://revistas.rcaap.pt/artciencia)  

For the forthcoming issue planned for July 2022, the editors of artciencia.com invite essays and artwork with original approaches to the topics of Art and Education, History, Aesthetics, and/or Technology, in Cinema, Literature, Music, Video Art, Theatre, Performance, Photography, New Media, Painting, etc., as well as e-Learning, English Studies, Law and Communication Sciences.

Art History 2060—Imagining our Futures to Rethink our Pasts

Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - 2:28pm
Davidson College
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A C3 New Scholars Symposium at Davidson College

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Dan-el Padilla Peralta, Associate Professor of Classics, Princeton

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2021

From Literary Composition to Cinematic Adaptation: A Study of Indian Cinema through Popular Literature

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:42pm
Dipak Giri
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Call for Paper on “From Literary Composition to Cinematic Adaptation: A Study of Indian Cinema through Popular Literature

Authentic, scholarly and unpublished research papers are invited from academics and writers for publication in an edited volume with ISBN. Authors are requested to strictly follow the submission guidelines mentioned herewith in their papers. Only electronic submission via email will be accepted for publication. The proposed title of the volume which is below, may subject to change:


From Literary Composition to Cinematic Adaptation: A Study of Indian Cinema through Popular Literature

"Global Emerson"

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:42pm
Ralph Waldo Emerson Society
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, January 15, 2022

The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society at the Thoreau Annual Gathering

The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society will sponsor a panel at the Thoreau Society Annual Gathering in Concord, Mass. (July 6–10, 2022). 

"Global Emerson"

"Emersonian Economies" & "Emerson and His Media(ted) Afterlives"

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:42pm
Ralph Waldo Emerson Society
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, January 15, 2022

ALA call for Proposals


The Ralph Waldo Emerson Society will sponsor two panels at the 33rd Annual Conference of the American Literature Association, to be held May 26–29, 2022, at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.


“Emersonian Economies” 


Indian Traditional Knowledge System: Relevance and Perspectives

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:42pm
Dr Sunil Kumar Mishra
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, November 25, 2021


Title of the Book


Indian Traditional Knowledge System: Relevance and Perspectives

ISBN: 978-93-91467-49-4

Submission: 25 November 2021Email your chapter to:  upanayanbooks@gmail.com

 Editor:Dr. Sunil K. Mishra

Free Registration:   https://forms.gle/RXTjLqo5ioCQ4Xh49

Guidelines for Authors

5th International Conference on Modern Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences (ICMHS)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:41pm
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, June 17, 2022

Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Modern Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences (ICMHS). Taking place on 08-10 July 2022 in Zurich, Switzerland, a conference on social sciences and humanities is more than an academic conference. It’s an opportunity to source feedback on your research, to get published in internationally recognized academic journals, and to explore the city of Amsterdam on a free tour.

14th Screenwriting Research Network International Conference: Globalizing Screenwriting

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:41pm
Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna
deadline for submissions: 
Wednesday, December 15, 2021


22nd-24th September 2022
Department of Theatre, Film and Media Studies, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
UZA II-Rotunde, Althanstraße 14, 1090 Wien


Film Academy Vienna,
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Wien



Essential Information:

Deadline for abstracts: 15th December 2021

Shortlisting/notification of acceptance by: End of January 2022

Early-bird registration: From early March until end of May 2022

Regular registration by: Mid-July 2022

Late registration by: End of August 2022

Algo-rhythms: Living in and out of sync with technology

Thursday, October 21, 2021 - 2:44am
Tijdschrift Kunstlicht
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Tijdschrift Kunstlicht: Call for Papers

Algo-rhythms: Living in and out of sync with technology

Guest editor: Evelyn Wan

Deadline: 18 December 2021

Published: May/June 2022


In his One Year Performance 1980-1981 (Time Clock Piece), Tehching Hsieh imposes upon himself the task of clocking-in using punch-card technology every day, every hour, 24 hours a day, all through 365 days of the year. Forcing his corporeal self into the cold rigid regularity of mechanical clock time, he makes visible the rhythmic bind of the machine.

Je est un author: (Re-)Appearances of the Authorial Subject in Literature and Theory (ACLA Seminar)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:40pm
Sebastian Brass
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, October 31, 2021

We are welcoming submissions for the seminar Je est un author: (Re-)Appearances of the Authorial Subject in Literature and Theorywhich we are planning for the annual meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association in Taipei, Taiwan, June 15-18, 2022.

In Mithu Sanyal’s novel Identitti, shortlisted for the German Book Prize 2021, a fictional professor of Postcolonial Studies who identifies as a PoC causes a scandal when it turns out she is actually white – a premise resembling a recent case in American academia. Who is ‘behind’ a theory matters – but how?

Literary Geographies: Space, Place, and Environments

Wednesday, October 20, 2021 - 3:40pm
Conference on Christianity & Literature, April 7-9, 2022 (Biola University, La Mirada, CA)
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, November 15, 2021

Literary Geographies: Space, Place, and Environments

Biola University

La Mirada, CA

April 7–9, 2022


“All theology is rooted in geography.”

—Eugene H. Peterson, Under the Unpredictable Plant: an Exploration in Vocational Holiness


extended deadline/new date: "Now the arts connect": Tom Phillips’ Constellations

Wednesday, February 2, 2022 - 5:35am
University of Liège
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, April 15, 2022


"Now the arts connect":

Tom Phillips’ Constellations

October 6-7, 2022


The year 2016 was a very special one for English artist Tom Phillips. It was in October of that year that the final version of A Humument was published, a work unlike any other which occupied fifty years of the life of its author since its inception in 1966.

Non-Western Approaches in Environmental Humanities

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 - 4:15pm
University of Warsaw
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, January 15, 2022

International Conference
Non-Western Approaches in Environmental Humanities

Call for papers

11–13 July 2022
(Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2022)

University of Warsaw and via Zoom worldwide

organized by

The project “Non-anthropocentric Cultural Subjectivity”
realized as part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme at the University of Warsaw

Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw

Keynote Speakers

Dipesh Chakrabarty, Ewa Domańska, Tetsuya Kono


Conference concept and coordination:

Aleksandra Brylska, PhD student
