Solace in Indian in Writing English
A library is a good place to go when you feel unhappy, for there, in a book, you may find encouragement and comfort. E B White
Literature always gives joy, comfort, and solace to everyone who is in search of it. The poems inspire and kindle our thoughts, the novels drive us to have patience and look for new paths, the drama reflects lives in miniature form, the essays make us ponder on the subtle observation of life, autobiographies motivate and lead us to the path of glory….there is no end to describe what literature is and how it shapes our lives. We at times advertently/ inadvertently drink, consume and digest literature. The famous English essayist Francis Bacon aptly puts, “Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.”
The fecund terrain of India and Indian writing in English spreads its fragrance across the globe. It gives solace and comfort to readers and writers. The great tradition and the saga of The Ramayana and The Mahabharata illumines minds the world over. We quench our thirst for knowledge and find pearls of wisdom in them. During times of crisis, or difficult times, we fall back on these books and literary texts and others to find comfort and solace.
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
Solace in recluse
Solace amid chaos
Solace through confrontation
Solace through submission
Solace in family
Solace in the pastoral world
Solace in Nature
Solace in oneself
Solace in reading
Solace in writing
Solace in teaching
Potential contributors are invited to reflect on the idea of solace and comfort in Indian Writing in English. Please send proposals of about 200 words before 19 February 2022 to Full essays will be due by 30 May 2022.
General Manuscript GuidelinesManuscript:
The manuscript should be of 3000-5000 words (8-10, A4 pages, 1.5 space in a single column with at least one-inch margin on all sides, 12-point font, Times New Roman). The abstract should be around 200-250 words with at least 4-5 keywords. Authors should submit a single word file, starting with Title of the Paper, followed by Author(s) Name(s), Designation, Institution Name, Contact Number. Only electronic submission of manuscripts will be accepted.
The paper should bear the following:
Title of the Paper, Author(s) Details; Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Discussion, Conclusion, References (Citation Style: MLA)
Selection Process:
The manuscript shall undergo a Peer Review Process. The plagiarism/similarity index should be less than 10%.
All views and opinions expressed in the manuscript are the sole responsibility of the author(s) concerned. Neither the editors nor the publisher can in anyway be held responsible for them. After acceptance of the manuscript, the author(s) need to submit an undertaking/declaration form (provided by the editors) that states the manuscript is original and no part of it has been copied or taken from other sources without necessary permissions.
Processing Fee:
There is NO publication fee. However, once the manuscript gets accepted the author(s) need to pay a processing fee of Rs.600/-, which includes one paperback copy of the book and courier charges.
Publisher Details:
National publisher with ISBN.