Queering Fantastika
“Fantastika” – a term appropriated from a range of Slavonic languages by John Clute – embraces the genres of Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Gothic Horror, but can also include Alternate History, Steampunk, Young Adult Dystopic Fiction, or any other radically imaginative narrative space. Our goal is to bring together academics, independent researchers, creators, and audiences who share an interest in this diverse range of fields with the aim of opening up new dialogues, productive controversies, and critical collaborations.
For our next special issue, we are interested in works that contain representations of the LGBTQIA+ community, relationships, and full spectrum of identities as well academic criticism that utilises queer or trans theory as a lens to examine Fantastika narratives.
Note: This is an open-call for papers. While it links to our digital symposium held on 20 Nov 2021, you are not required to present at the event in order to submit an article for consideration. As well, while the symposium focused on graphic narratives, we are expanding the remit for this special issue to all formats.
Some suggested topics are:
• depictions of LGBTQIA+ people or relationships (real or fictional), including re-imaginings or interpretations
• discussions of social constructs and challenges to these constructions (including texts where authors/creators may not have intended queer readings)
• “coming-out” narratives, including the bildungsroman
• reception and consumption of LGBTQIA+ narratives (including cosplay and fan fiction)
• examinations of performance and performativity (including both "passing" and pride)
• world-building and the place of LGBTQIA+ within these settings
• phobic representations and/or audience responses
• intersectional approaches (race, disability, etc) or related post-human themes which incorporate queer or trans theory (alien species, cyborgs, shapeshifting, etc.)
Deadline for article submissions: 1 March 2022.Early submissions encouraged.
Please follow our submission guidelines. Send 5000-7000 word articles to editors@fantastikajournal.com with abstracts (300 words) and bionotes (100 words) in separate documents.
We will only accept scholarly works which discuss any of the Fantastika genres. All articles must have a clear, strong, and original contribution to Fantastika research.
If you are interested in writing an academic thought piece on the state of LGBTQIA+ representations in Fantastika literature and studies, please contact the Head Editors, Kerry Dodd and Charul "Chuckie" Chuckie Palmer-Patel, and special guest editor, Héloïse Thomas, at editors@fantastikajournal.com to arrange to write an editorial.
The editors reserve the right to reject submissions that are not in keeping with the professional tones of Fantastika Journal or any which perpetuates a toxic environment.