(ALA Symposium, Chicago, May 26-29) Indigeneity and Indigenous Americans in Early Black Atlantic Thought
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FAQ changelog |
Aperçus: Histories Texts Cultures
A Bucknell University Press Series
Aperçus is a series of books exploring the connections among historiography, culture, and textual representation in various disciplines. Revisionist in intention, Aperçus seeks monographs as well as guest-edited multi-authored volumes, which stage critical interventions to open up new possibilities for interrogating how systems of knowledge production operate at the intersections of individual and collective thought.
Call for PapersUCSD Literature Department 3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference
University of California, San Diego
Remote, April 29th-30th, 2022
Beloved Community
We’d like to remind you of the upcoming conference abstracts deadline of 31 January for the conference “Shadow Screens: Unmade, Unseen, Unreleased Film and Television”.
Jadavpur University Essays and Studies (JUES) Vol. 36 (Themed Issue)
Editors: Dr. Rafat Ali
Dr. Doyeeta Majumder
Death, Dying and Diseases: Critical Reflections
Conference dates: March 2-4th, 2022
CFP deadline: 1st february
Place: Madrid (Spain)
Organised by: Medieval Colors Network. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (CAPIRE Research Group), Freie Universität Berlin, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Università di Bologna, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne y Helsingin Yliopisto.
Conference: 16-17 March 2023 (online- via Zoom platform)
Scientific Committee:
Professor Wojciech Owczarski – University of Gdańsk, Poland
Professor Polina Golovátina-Mora – NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
CFP #IFM2022 Virtual Conference
Extended Deadline - January 31st, 2022
Hosted by Ryerson University (Canada), The University of Texas at Dallas (USA), University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Leeds Trinity University (UK), and the University of Bayreuth (Germany)
Judith Aston, Associate Professor and Wallscourt Fellow in Film &Digital Arts, the University of the West of England, Bristol (United Kingdom)
Current Research in Speculative Fiction 2022
11th Annual Conference
30th June – 1st July 2022, University of Liverpool - https://crsfhome.home.blog/
“Always treat language like a dangerous toy.” (Ansel Hollo)
Dr. Christy Tidwell (South Dakota School of Mine & Technology) Dr. Jalondra A Davies (Writer and Scholar)
WORKSHOP: Sell Your Stories: Writing and Submitting SFF Short Fiction.
June 2-3, Saint Louis University--Madrid campus
The Digital Popular in Indian context (2010-2019)