Call for Paper Proposals: ImageText Special Issue Spring 2023
Special Issue of ImageTexT, Spring 2023
Guest Editors: Alexander Slotkin & Laura Gonzales
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Special Issue of ImageTexT, Spring 2023
Guest Editors: Alexander Slotkin & Laura Gonzales
The South Central Modern Language Association War, Literature, and the Arts Panel is currently seeking conference papers that discuss how literature and other artforms depict aspects of war. Papers on any related topic will be considered for the session taking place during SCMLA's 79th Annual Conference in Memphis, TN and online from October 13-15, 2022.
Please send an abstract of up to 200 words on any topic related to this panel to
Querida comunidad de escritor@s y lector@s de poesía:
Espero que este correo les encuentre bien.
Les quiero compartir y extender esta invitación a enviar vuestros poemas para el Proyecto de Colección y Archivo Poesía Migrante. Envío de poemas para número #1.
Les invito a leer la convocatoria y pedirles si pueden compartir en sus redes formales o informales. Queremos que esta invitación llegue hasta el último rincón dónde haya personas que tienen algo que decir en poesía.
Vean los detalles abajo. Y los link para enviar vuestro trabajo.
How are novels adapted for onstage presentations as musicals or operas? Given their large numbers of characters, multiple settings, and large spans of time, the plots of novels need to be adapted to fit within the logistical and chronological realities of live theatre, as compared when novels are adapted for film or video. Also, how is music used in these adaptations? We seek proposals that examine how this has been done in the past and is being done now.
Girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep;
What strategies are contemporary life writers using to approach queer/trans pasts that remain unrecognized or unrecognizable? Possible topics may include archival silences, biofiction, LGBTQ childhoods and queer temporality, intergenerational mentorship, HIV/AIDS’ legacy, and more.
This call for papers is for a special session at the Modern Language Association 2023 conference, which means that it is a non-guaranteed panel. Please submit 250-word abstracts and CVs to Megan Paslawski (Queens College, CUNY) to be considered for the panel proposal.
27-30 October 2022
Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. (Hyatt Regency Hotel)
27-30 October 2022
Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. (Hyatt Regency Hotel)
27-30 October 2022
Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. (Hyatt Regency Hotel)
Call for Papers
Cultural Studies and the Nonhuman Turn
Workshop, TU Dresden, 01-02 July 2022
Humans live in places, the positions from which they perceive space as a series of landscapes. While space/time is the context that encompasses life and all of its possibilities and constraints, the perception of space is continuously constructed, and deconstructed, through geopolitical, social, and economic—in a word, cultural—drivers. Notions of nature, ecology, resources, and well-being are fundamental dimensions of such a process.
The editorial board of Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature encourages researchers and young scholars to submit their articles proposals that comprise with the following profile of the journal:
Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature is an international multidisciplinary periodical that welcomes for review any innovative and challenging research article encroaching upon the fields of literature, linguistics, philosophy and cultural studies.
Call for Papers
ETKI: Journal of Literature, Theatre and Culture Studies
ETKI: Journal of Literature, Theatre and Culture Studies invites submissions for the fifth issue of the journal - a general issue on literature, theatre and culture studies.
Essence & Critique: Journal of Literature and Drama Studies invites submissions for the fourth issue of the journal - a general issue on Literature and Drama Studies.
Indexed by MLA and EBSCO databases.
Essence & Critique: Journal of Literature and Drama Studies is an open access peer-reviewed academic journal that serves as a forum for multi- and interdisciplinary discussions across Literature and Drama Studies, providing academicians, scholars, professionals and students with the opportunity to disseminate their research to a diverse audience of peers and professionals.
The second issue aims to cover literary and theatrical works in general.