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Science and Culture: Medicine, Ecology, Technology, and Human Expression

Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 1:33pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA)
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, May 15, 2022

Papers are sought from any period, any cultural form/genre, and from any critical perspective that investigate the way that science and culture have influenced, informed, and challenged one another, either within society more broadly or even within higher education. Projects from the medical humanities, environmental humanities, and/or digital humanities are relevant to this panel, as are other interdisciplinary fields at the intersections of science and the humanities. We are looking for papers that consider science and culture as lived human experiences, rather than speculative science fiction per se.

Call for Papers - "Suspension"

Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 11:22am
liquid blackness
deadline for submissions: 
Thursday, September 1, 2022

CFP – “Suspension”

liquid blackness: journal of aesthetics and black studies 7, no. 2, Fall 2023

The Materials of Screen Media

Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 11:22am
The Screen Studies Association of Australia and Aoteaora New Zealand (SSAAANZ)
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, May 30, 2022

The Screen Studies Association of Australia and Aoteaora New Zealand (SSAAANZ), in association with Massey University, present:

The Materials of Screen Media

30 November - 2 December 2022

Call for papers: Ecologies of decay: Modern ruination in the global (post)socialist peripheries

Thursday, March 31, 2022 - 11:21am
Dimitra Gkitsa / University College London
deadline for submissions: 
Saturday, May 7, 2022

The post-socialist reality in East Europe profoundly changed the rural and urban settlements. Abandoned factories, vacant villages, unfinished housing projects, decline and abandonment are some common threads that appear in post-socialist rural and urban landscapes. De-industrialisation and the post-1990s capitalist rules left small towns and villages empty and decayed. In the former socialist countries of Africa, Latin America, and south-east Asia rural and urban decline has also been linked with the history of colonial expansion, the destruction of nature, and racial violence. While some communities have embraced spatial regeneration trends, others remain ruined, marginalised, and declined.