Literary Druid - Psychodynamics and Shakespeare - Special Issue - Literary Druid (ISSN 2582-4155)

deadline for submissions: 
June 23, 2022
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Maheswari Publishers (The publishing unit of PANDIAN EDUCATIONAL TRUST- TN32D0026797)
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Psychodynamics and Shakespeare


Literary Druid (ISSN 2582-4155) is delighted to announce the special issue entitled Psychodynamics and Shakespeare, commemorating the 458th Birthday of the bard of Avon, William Shakespeare. The bard’s birthday has been celebrated all over the world that falls this year on Saturday 23 April 2022. Literary Druid has planned to celebrate his birthday with a modern approach to Shakespeare, decoding his myriad works in psychodynamic perspective.

Shakespeare's works are deeply the creations that exhibit human mind and they look into various sides of human persona that are inevitably linked to the doctrines of psychology. Even though there are many ways to elicit Shakespeare's works, it seems difficult to move away from the significance of psychodynamics of an individual and its presence in his characters.  For example, King Lear's ‘regression’, Hamlet’s ‘Oedipus Complex’, Caesar’s ‘ego’, Macbeth’s ‘trauma’, Antony’s ‘blind love’, Montagues and Capulet’s ‘family ego’, Iago’s ‘Motiveless Villainy’, Portia’s ‘individuality’, Rosalind’s ‘love and humour’, Desdemona’s ‘innocence’, Falstaff’s ‘farce’ Hal’s ‘valour’ and so many virtues and vices falls under the influence of the unconscious over the conscious mind. Every character has a psychological touch and one can see the psychodynamics of their mind through their actions.

Shakespeare's works are closely tied to psychology. The International literary curriculum is tied to Shakespeare and the psychology in it.  Now, psychology as a science, many attempts had been done by literary theorists and researchers to explain Shakespeare's works using psychological interpretations through the content of his plays. Sigmund Freud, A.C. Bradley, Fromm, Erickson, Sullivan, and many other psychodynamic theories suit best to the deciphering of his characters. Indeed, Freudian and other psychological theorists have an abundance to work within these plays to decode some psychological outlets like repression, trauma, regression, dislocation of emotions, Oedipus complex and so on. 

Hence, this special issue has been called to get scholarly articles from the academics to foster psychodynamic approach to Shakespeare studies. It could help to create new ideas in teaching Shakespeare for the students in future. Academicians are welcome to submit their original research to the editor @   


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Plagiarism should be avoided.


Title, abstract, keywords, body of the paper, references are mandatory.


Follow MLA 8 Style to format your paper.


A clear abstract that portrays the objectives, hypothesis, methodology (psychodynamic theories) and estimated findings should be in the abstract within 250-300 words. 5-6 keywords. The body of the paper should have an introduction, literary review, research gap, methodology, discussions and findings, conclusions. only cited materials should be in references, nearly 15 references should be from 2020, 2021 otherwise it should be send for resubmission. 


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Literary druid is indexed in MLA, ASI, ERIH PLUS, MIR@BEL, Google Scholar, ROAD, Portal ISSN, MIAR and Sherpa Romeo.


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The Article Processing Charges (APC) is 1500 INR


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