Teaching Composition to ESL/EFL Students (CONFERENCE RESCHEDULED!)
We welcome submissions for a scholarly conference to be hosted online 30 September and 1 October 2022 by the Troy University Department of English.
Papers may address any aspect of teaching composition to ESL/EFL students, including—but not limited to—the following:
- Theory and practical applications
- New strategies
- Development of paragraphs and essays
- Models and modeling
- Genres
- Writing as a process
- Teaching grammar within the process
- Language development within the process
- Digital and multimodal writing
- Assessments
Academics at all levels—including undergraduates and graduate students—are welcome to submit 250-word proposals for 15-minute presentations to EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=troycomposition2022 by 1 September 2022. To submit an abstract, click “Create an account” on the EasyChair page (it’s free), and then follow the prompts. Any questions about the conference may be addressed to Dr. Theresa M. Johnson at tmjohnson@troy.edu or to eslefl@troy.edu. Any technical issues may be addressed by Dr. Ben P. Robertson at bprobertson@troy.edu.