II International Conference on Discourses of Fictional (Digital) TV Series (Oct. 19-21, 2022 - University of Valencia, Spain)

deadline for submissions: 
June 25, 2022
full name / name of organization: 
Universitat de València (On-site conference)
contact email: 

We are delighted to announce that the Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya at the Universitat de València and the Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades de la Comunitat Valenciana (IULMA) will be hosting, on the 19th-21st of October 2022 in Valencia, Spain, the II International Conference on Discourses of Fictional (Digital) TV Series.

This second edition will focus on the representations of Gender and Social Inequality in fictional DTVS narratives and discourses.

Much has changed in the portrayal of individual identities, (hetero)normative families, collectivities and societies in television formats ever since the dawning of small-screen entertainment. We have come a long way in mainstream television from the levity of primetime sitcoms and seemingly edgier serials, as shows have gradually assimilated the cultural and political shifts that have imploded the hierarchical binarisms that have for long structured and determined mass consumption of narratives and social status (male/female; heterosexual/homosexual; white/racial ‘other’; wealthy/poor; human/nonhuman animal; able/disabled; young/old; western/non-western; etc.). Given current socio-political and aesthetic discussions on gender and class-based identity politics and inequality, and the impact of transversal movements such as Me Too and Black Lives Matter, we seek to collectively examine the multiple ways through which DTVS contribute to ongoing conversations about discriminatory practices, stereotypes, discourses, and symbolism. DTVS may engage with ideology and systems of oppression (sexism and homophobia, racism, ableism, ageism, speciesism, classism) and their intersecting apparatuses in any number of ways, such as character development, storylines, cinematographic techniques, intertextuality, spaces and settings, scripted dialogues, audio-visual rhetoric, etc.

We invite scholars to approach the cornucopia of DTVS from their own different methodological fields in order to advance discussions on gender and social inequality from a variety of interrelated perspectives. Researchers and educators from fields such as linguistics, cultural and literary studies, television and film studies, gender studies (including women’s studies, LGBTQI+ studies, and masculinity studies), critical race theory, (critical) animal studies, media studies, disability studies, the medical humanities, ageing studies, and performance studies are particularly welcome. We welcome scientifically sound and original contributions which can be empirical, theoretical or practice based. Proposals may focus on one or on as many series as speakers desire. Research (sub)topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Multimodal representations of sex, gender and gender-based communities.
  • Sexual and gender-based politics. Denunciation of patriarchal discourses, violence and policing.
  • Feminist and queer utopias and dystopias.
  • Gendered bodies and/or gendered spaces.
  • Diachronic and comparative studies on the representation of gender and social inequality.
  • Discriminatory systems of oppression and the consumption of the ‘other.’
  • Identity politics, (dis)empowerment and agency through dialogue.
  • Social inequality as narrative conflict.
  • Representations of key historical moments or movements in the struggle against social inequality.
  • Experimental narrative or cinematographic techniques and social inequality.
  • Gendered representations of illness, age, race, species and/or the (dis)abled body.
  • Intersections between the language and conventions of television genres and the fight against social discrimination and oppression.
  • Small-screen adaptations and the recreation of gender and social inequality.
  • Fandom-related discourses regarding gender and social inequality.

The conference will address series originally produced in English. However, a selection of proposals will be included in the International panel dedicated to TV series in other languages.


