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PAMLA 2022 Asian Lit & Culture Session--cfp

Sunday, May 8, 2022 - 12:11pm
Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association/ David Hazard
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, May 15, 2022

The 119th annual PAMLA Conference will be held in Los Angeles, California at the UCLA Luskin Conference Center and Hotel between Friday, November 11 and Sunday, November 13, 2022.

Disruptive Labor: Early Modern Gender, Capital, and Illicit Work (7/31/22)

Friday, July 8, 2022 - 11:32am
Kris McAbee and Jessica C. Murphy
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Call for Contributions to a Proposed Collected Edition 

Disruptive Labor: Early Modern Gender, Capital, and Illicit Work

Disruptive Labor: Early Modern Gender, Capital, and Illicit Work interrogates how some labor is denigrated and yet simultaneously supportive of the formation of the capitalistic markets upon which European nations expanded empires. By focusing on how these patriarchal societies see specific types of work as gendered, this edition explores how the gendering of labor establishes dynamic markets as either culturally sanctioned or illegitimate and, in turn, grapples with how cultural approbation undergirds economic growth. 

Extended Deadline! 119th Annual PAMLA Conference in Los Angeles, CA: CFP

Monday, May 23, 2022 - 3:03am
Craig Svonkin, Metropolitan State University of Denver
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, July 10, 2022

PAMLA 2022 is excited to announce that the extended deadline for paper proposal submissions is July 10 for the 119th annual PAMLA Conference at the beautiful UCLA Luskin Conference Center and Hotel in Los Angeles, California!

Visit our conference portal CFP page and begin to search for a session that interests you! Once you’ve done so, you will hear back from your prospective presiding officer in the following days after the deadline.

Narratives of Criminality, Punishment and Social Justice in Children’s and Young Adult Literature

Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - 6:07am
Department of English, Jadavpur University & Association for Children's Literature in South Asia
deadline for submissions: 
Tuesday, June 7, 2022

A 2 Day International Children’s & Young Adult Literature Conference
Organised by Jadavpur University, Department of English in collaboration with The
Association for Children’s Literature in South Asia
Dates: 5 - 6 August 2022
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 31st May 2022 (Extended to 7th June 2022)
Conference Location: Zoom

Matters of Life: Human Scapes and Scopes

Thursday, July 21, 2022 - 7:00am
International American Studies Association & Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
deadline for submissions: 
Sunday, July 31, 2022

IASA World Congress 2022

International American Studies Association


Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University


IASA 10th World Congress

22nd to 24th November, 2022

Call for Papers

Matters of Life: Human Scapes and Scopes

"Whatever is my right as a man is also the right of another; and it becomes my duty to guarantee as well as to possess."

-Thomas Paine, Rights of Man

EXTENDED Panel for SAMLA 94: The Avant-Garde and Social Change

Thursday, June 30, 2022 - 6:36am
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, July 25, 2022

The term avant-garde usually applies to works of art, literature and music characterized by their radical experimentation and opposition to institutionalized culture. Leading unconventional and non-conformist lives, the avant-gardists antagonized the bourgeoise by attacking their social values, mediocrity and material interests. Instead, these iconoclastic artists engaged in acts of dissidence promoted in soirées, manifestos, journals and exhibits that interfered with public life. For instance, Marinetti paraded with the Suffragettes smashing windows through the streets of London, an act that echoes his fervor to destroy museums and academies, as described in the 1909 Futurist Manifesto.

Mobility and/as Resistance: The Political Project of Nomadism

Sunday, May 8, 2022 - 12:04pm
Maynooth University, National Institute of Technology Silchar
deadline for submissions: 
Friday, June 10, 2022

Mobility and/as Resistance: The Political Project of Nomadism

Online Workshop | 20-21 October 2022


Hawthorne and nature, Hawthorne and the environment

Sunday, May 8, 2022 - 12:04pm
Nathaniel Hawthorne Review
deadline for submissions: 
Monday, August 8, 2022

 A special issue on eco-Hawthorne, or, more generally, on Hawthorne and nature is planned for spring, 2023. Please see the CFP below.  Queries are welcome.Proposals are due Aug. 8, 2022; essays are due January 15, 2023.Thank you.Monika Elbert,  
Editor, Nathaniel Hawthorne Review, and Prof. of English, Montclair State University  

Call for Papers:  Hawthorne and the Environment, Hawthorne and Nature

 Hawthorne and the Environment, Hawthorne and Nature (Special issue, NHR, spring, 2023)
