Call for International Symposium on Educational Research (ERL2022)

deadline for submissions: 
July 15, 2022
full name / name of organization: 
Education Research Lab Prince Sultan University, Saudi Arabia
contact email: 

Call for International Symposium on Educational Research (ERL2022)

The Educational Research Lab (ERL) at Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, is pleased to invite you to join us for the 2nd International Symposium on Educational Research (ERL2022)as a Journal Partner. 

Please submit a 250-word abstract related to Education, the teaching of language & literature, TESOL, ESL and pedagogy subjects and you will get the acceptance/rejection notification within 2 weeks of submission.  There is no fee for presenting/attending at this symposium.  

The last date to submit the abstract is July 15, 2022, and for the full paper after acceptance of the abstract is August 1, 2022.

Abstracts can be submitted using this link: 


About ERL: 

The ERL aims to bridge the worlds of education research and education practice with a mission of supporting a more evidence-based education system. The ERL works towards translating research to practice in partnership with educators, practitioners, and policymakers to develop and use research that improves academic outcomes for students. 


About ERL2022 International Symposium: 

The ERL is organizing and hosting the 2nd Annual International Symposium on Educational Research (ERL2022)around the educational theme, “The Global Transformation of Education and Learning Trends: Re-Evaluating Education in the Endemic World”. 

  • Date: Saturday, October 8, 2022
  • Time: 9.00 AM – 8.00 PM (KSA time GMT +3)
  • Venue: Zoom Meeting Platform (virtually)


Publishing Opportunities:

We believe that your journal will be a great addition and goes in line with theERL2022’s scope, objectives, and theme. Our publication collaboration could be further pursued according to the following outlets:

  1. Journal proceeding (publishing opportunities for short papers) 
  2. Submission through your journal’s portal (regular/ full paper submission) 


Review Process:

As guest editors, we will review the submitted papers accordingly: 

  • First Stage: Initial review (internal review)
    • o The first stage of the review will have two peer reviewers experts in the field reviewing the full research paper.
    • o It will take up to two weeks after the symposium is over for the presenters to receive a decision, based on the reviews' comments. 
    • o We will send them out to your manual portal/website. 
  • Second Stage: Editorial board review (external review)
    • o Upon the approval, presenters will move to the second stage to officially submit to the Journal’s portal. A review of each article that will take up from three to four months. (This might entail, accept with minor revisions, accept with major revisions, or reject). 


We thank you for taking the time to read our invitation, and we hope to hear from you soon.


If you have any concerns or further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at our listed emails & numbers below.

Kind regards,

  • Dr. Norah Almusharraf | ERL Lab Leader, Assistant Professor in the Linguistics and Translation Department, Research Director in the College of Humanities and Sciences, Prince Sultan University |  | +966 (11) 494 8207


  • Dr. Muhammad Imran

Lecturer in English Department, University of Sahiwal, Pakistan. |+923007131472