1st International Humanities – Society – Identity Congress
The 1st International Humanities – Society – Identity Congress Programme Committee is looking forward to welcoming you to Warsaw. The Congress embraces the study of all aspects pertaining to the notions of Humanities – Society – Identity.
The Congress Programme comprises plenary lectures, debates, general sessions and networking research group sessions reflecting three main themes, i.e. Humanities (day 1), Society (day 2) and Identity (day 3). Each day there are Speed-Dating sessions for young researchers “The Voice of the Next Generation” on a special virtual venue.
The virtual Scientific Speed-Dating will allow young researchers to present the subject and scope of their work to potential research partners from all around the world in order to stimulate building international research teams and groups. It will be organized in the form of short, highly interactive and engaging online meetings, each dedicated to one of the leading themes of the congress: Humanities (day 1), Society (day 2) and Identity (day 3). Presentations will be approximately 10 minutes each. At the end of each thematic session, participants will have an opportunity to exchange their ideas and experiences, and get in touch with other researchers, both in subgroups and in one-to-one sessions.
I. For general sessions the Congress Programme Committee invites submissions for papers discussing various aspects of Humanities – Society – Identity, including, but not limited to, literature, language, linguistics, culture, social research, migration, minorities, memory studies, and identity. Please submit your presentation abstract (250—300 words). Presentations will be approximately 15-20 minutes each followed by 10 minute discussion
The deadline is 30 September 2022.
II. For Speed-Dating sessions for young researchers please submit a presentation abstract (200 words) of the research project you would like to show to your potential future partners. Presentations will be approximately 10 minutes each.
The deadline is 31 October 2022.
All proposals should be sent to: hsic@wn.uw.edu.pl
Please indicate the theme of your presenation: Humanities, Identity or Society.
Submissions will be subjected to a peer-review processes. Notification of acceptance will be sent out in September.
The language of the conference is English.
If you have any questions or queries please get in touch with the organising committee: hsic@wn.uw.edu.pl
We hope to see you in Warsaw!