Let’s Get Digital (College Art Association 2023)

deadline for submissions: 
August 31, 2022
full name / name of organization: 
College Art Association
contact email: 


Let’s Get Digital embraces the timely opportunity to critically reexamine the impacts of digital technology and the barrage of information on our perceptions of reality. Specifically, this panel is focusing on digital art, history, curatorial strategies, critical theory, emergent platforms and forms of creative expression. In bringing together a panel of artists, scholars, and curators we hope to collectively reflect on our present post-internet age, to borrow Byung-Chul Han’s term, ‘the age of like’, and what it means to engage with the digital realm, over half-a-century since its inception.


The theoretical spectrum that may be used to critically examine these topics include Hito Steyerl, Trevor Paglen, and Byung-Chul Han.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:


• New directions in digital art: Blockchains, sound directional art, computer generated art, transmedia, cybernetic art, alternative environments, interfaces, AR/VR.

• Virtual gallery engagement: curating, collecting, digitised collections, databases, virtual museums, multimedia installations.

• Multimedia story-telling: ecomedia, social media, journalism, docugames, games for change.

• Infrastructure and impact: privacy, security, influence, ethics

Field of Study:
Media: New Media 
Media: Internet/Web-Based Media 
Media: Multimedia 
Topics: Creativity 
Media: Photography (history and studio) 

Chairs:Elyse Longair, Queen's University, Department of Film and Media - 21ell4@queensu.ca Jevonne Peters (Jevi), University of Western Ontario - hello@jevi.me 

The College Art Association of America (CAA) is the principal organization in the United States for professionals in the visual arts, from students to art historians to emeritus faculty. CAA's 111th Annual Conference will be held February 15–18, 2023 at the New York Midtown Hilton.



To Apply

Please send the following via email to session chairs by August 31, 2022.

  1. Completed proposal form (click to download).
  2. A shortened CV (close to 2 pages).
  3. (Optional) Documentation of work; limit to five images as a single PDF, especially for sessions in which artists might discuss their own practice.