Cormac McCarthy Studies
February 22-25, 2023
Albuquerque, NM
The Area Chair of the Cormac McCarthy Area of the SWPACA conference is seeking paper proposals on any aspect of the work of Cormac McCarthy, including novels, plays, and television and film scripts and adaptations. We invite presentations about all facets of McCarthy’s work in forms ranging from critical essays to analyses employing recognized research methodologies. The chair also welcomes pre-formed panels, but will need submissions to be uploaded individually as required by the SWPACA. Paper presentations should be 15 minutes and should present an arguable thesis or develop a compelling question.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- McCarthy and the West
- McCarthy and apocalypse
- Narration and historical imaginaries in McCarthy’s work
- Narrative theory approaches to McCarthy’s writing
- Gender and sexuality studies approaches to McCarthy’s work
- McCarthy and Hollywood
- Issues in film adaptation
- Neoliberal discourse and/in McCarthy
- Southern gothic and its meaning now
- Horror and McCarthy
- Religion and philosophy in McCarthy’s work
- Teaching McCarthy
Proposals should be submitted to SWPACA’s website by October 31. Please send questions to the Area Chair, Rachel Griffis, at