ACLA 2023 Panel Proposal: “Dante Beyond Western Culture: Translation, Transcultural Heritage, and Reception of the Commedia”
T.S. Eliot considered Dante to be his stylistic and existential model and his Commedia a fundamental reading for the appreciation of modern poetry in any language. He maintained that Dante appealed to universal concepts, which is the aspect that made his poem successful throughout the centuries and across the world. According to the festival Dante nel mondo, realized by the municipality of Ravenna in 2016, there are 58 complete translations of the Commedia in European, Asian, African, and South American languages.
Participants are invited to give papers that explore any aspect of the transnational and transcultural heritage through reception, translation, and commentaries of Dante's Commedia outside of the Western context, with a particular focus on the following areas:
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Africa and the Middle East
- Asia
Given that ACLA is an international conference, we strongly recommend that all speakers be prepared to present their work in English. This would allow for a more open discussion/conversation among all participants. All submissions must be sent through the portal for paper proposals no later than October 31st 2022 and they must contain the following items: an abstract (maximum 200 characters), a short bio, full name, email address, and affiliation. Participants should send their paper proposals to and n by filling out the paper proposal form available at: