Literary Bricolage ‌in Psychodynamic Perspective - LBPP - 2022

deadline for submissions: 
November 5, 2022
full name / name of organization: 
Government College of Arts and Science, Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu, India.
contact email: 


Government College of Arts and ScienceAffiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli,Tamil Nadu, India. (Formerly Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Constituent Model College) Nagalapuram, Tamil Nadu, India. 

We cordially invite you to the

One - Day



Literary Bricolage ‌in Psychodynamic Perspective”

LBPP - 2022

15th November 2022


VENUE: Soft Class Room


Organized by







Government Arts and Science College is situated in Nagalapuram. It was formerly Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Constituent Model College and was established in the year 2011 by the reputed Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli to give quality education to the students of the remote rural area of Thoothukudi District. The college provides quality higher education to the rural mass, especially the backward and poor, by enhancing knowledge and skills in enabling the students to be enterprising and to become worthy citizens of the country. The college also provides extra-curricular activities and programs for the students to develop their personality and individual talents. Moreover, it provides sample facilities for the development of an integrated personality in a student to bring responsible individuals to our society.

At present, our college offers the following UG and PG Courses.

UG Courses                    PG Courses

B.A English                     M.A English

B.A. Economics               M.Com

B.Com                                         M.Sc Mathematics


B.Sc Mathematics           

B.Sc Computer Science              




The Department of English was established in the Year 2011. Since its inception, the department has been dedicated to produce English graduates of high calibre. In 2017, the Post Graduate course was established to give higher education to rural students. The department is mannered by academically well-qualified and experienced faculty members who consistently involve themselves in academic activities to make them updated with the current developments in the English domain, which ultimately benefit the students of the department.



The purpose of this conference has been an inspiration to bring together the leading academics, research scholars and students of literature to exchange and share their research experiences and results in the aspect of psychodynamic perspectives on literary works. Every work becomes a ‘bricolage’ in the hands of the ‘bircoleur’ as evinced by the French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss. Every writer of the society tries to create a myth making tale of their own resembling the primordial models of their culture. It has a deep message in the unknown recesses of its text. To get the apt meaning from the work, psychodynamic theories may help to dig the conscious and the unconscious manifestations of the bricoleur and his characters. In dealing with that, this blended mode international conference will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends and concerns in the field of psychological approach towards literature.

Thrust Areas:

  • Psychodynamic Theories and Literature
  • World Literature and Archetypes
  • Gender and Psychodynamic Theories
  • Myth, Literature and Psychodynamics
  • Gender Identity and Stereotypes
  • Cultural Identity and Psychological approach
  • Psychodynamics of Religion
  • Psychodynamics of Feminism
    • Comparative Studies, Narratology, Movies etc.

Titles are not limited. Researchers may also submit their articles related to the conference title.



Faculty Members & Research Scholars    : Rs.450

PG Scholars                                         : Rs 300

Participation                                         : Rs 100

Academicians and Scholars are instructed to follow MLA 8 Style for literature and APA style for empirical studies to format their research papers. Avoid anti-ethical research methods. Selected papers with academic quality and ethical research methods will be published in the conference proceedings with E-ISBN. Only e-copy of the book will be provided. Certificates will be provided for those who present their papers as per their mode. Proceedings will be electronically documented and indexed in scholarly databases. Meritorious papers will be published in a reputed Peer-Reviewed Journal with a nominal additional fee.

Pre-Registration is mandatory for participation, paper presentation and publication. Kindly fill this form otherwise the registration process will be declined. Abstract & Full Paper should be sent via the Google form. Any doubts can be asked via



Last date for Abstract submission   : 25. 10.2022

Last date for Full Paper submission: 05.11.2022

Date of the Conference                    : 15.11.2022

For Further Details:

Mr. B. Thangamarimuthu- 9994499754

Ms. S. Sindhu- 9087455326

Payment through Green banking method is motivated.

Account Holder


Indian Bank, Account Number: 607638514, IFSC: IDIB000S192.  Gpay - 9994499754